
Sillify is an app that makes reading the news a fun and interactive game. It allows users to create a MadLib(tm) style game out of a news article.

WARNING: This app is still in its infancy stages and will require some tweaking.

Current Abilities:

-Able to scrape a CNN news site by hard-coding the URL into the controller.
-Able to see a list of common words used in the article
-Able to select and highlight the words you want your friens to change.

Future Abilities:

-Bookmarklet to be able to send page to Sillify
-User will be able to sign in using Google, Facebook, or Twitter
-User will be able to select the words from the story and generate a URL he/she can then share with friends through facebook, twitter, or Google+ 
-User (recipient) will receive a form with blanks to fill in the nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc...
-User (recipient) will be able to read the newly created news story and share with friens (or delete)
-Users will be able to read previously "Sillified" articles.
-Users will be able to vote up or down "Sillified" articles.
-Users will see a list of articles ranked by number of Up-Votes
-Users can share funny articles or create their own
-Users will see a list of top news stories they can "Sillify"
-Users can click the link and begin generating an article to share with friends.
  • Ruby version

    • Ruby 2.2.1

  • System dependencies

    • Nokogiri

    • Postgres

    • Rails

  • Database creation

  • Database initialization

    • rake db:create

    • rake db:migrate

  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

    • For now only able to use CNN. This is a limitation of scraping.

  • Deployment instructions

    • Clone this repository to your local machine

    • Bundle Install the gems

    • rake the databases

Please feel free to use a different markup language if you do not plan to run rake doc:app.