
Ruby solution for leetcode problems (website in developing)

Primary LanguageRuby


This project consists of my solutions for Leetcode(https://leetcode.com/problems).


This solutions mainly written in Ruby language. You can search the solution by search keywords. Most of those files are named in following format: ${Leetcode_method_name}_${some_notations}.rb Please feel free to use them for learning. I am happy if them are helpful. Due to question number is unstable so I ignored it.

All source codes are my original works, except some files which have been acknowledged. So, some solutions are working in a tricky way and some others are worked ineffectively. Please feel free to issue it!

200 questions passed at Augest 19, 2015.

中文说明(In Chinese)

使用Ruby写的LeetCode 算法题解,欢迎批评和参考! 可以使用leetcode题目预定义的方法名或者关键字查询我的解法。

截止8月8日,已通过162题。 截止8月19日,已通过200题。(2015)