
Big data project at NYU

Primary LanguagePython


Team members:

Chong Han ch2905@nyu.edu, Mingzhong Dai md3797@nyu.edu, Yingbing Wang yw2848@nyu.edu

Project description

This project discusses about crime information in New York. Mainly, it contains 3 parts: data cleaning, data description and data visualization. Each of these will be described below.
More information can be found on official webpage:

Instructions for running code

Part 1

This part corresponds to scripts in DataCleaning, which aims to generate type information of data and create clean data.
First of all, you need to download crime data from official website. After downloading, you will have rows.csv. Later we will ignore the first line for later task.
The running sequences are

  1. run dumbo_count.py with five_million_lines_data.csv. The type information will locate locally at result.txt
  2. run dumbo_clean_data.py with rows.csv. The clean data will be clean_rows.csv
  3. run dumbo_cell_information with rows.csv. The cell information will be in cell_information.csv
wget https://data.cityofnewyork.us/api/views/qgea-i56i/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD
tail -n +1 rows.csv > five_million_lines_data.csv
spark-sumbmit dumbo_count.py
spark-sumbmit dumbo_clean_data.py
spark-sumbmit dumbo_cell_information.py

Part 2

This part corresponds to scripts in DataStatistics. All you need is to run execute.sh.
To begin with, ensure that you have already in this file. And suppose the input file(.csv) in your hadoop is called InputFile.

./execute.sh all InputFile                  //get all the data in DataStatistics   
./execute.sh part1/part2/part3 InputFIle    //get the data in particular part
./execute.sh Num InputFile                  //get the data of particular script

The relationship between the number and script is displayed below:
1 part1/area_total_amount.py
2 part1/area_year_amount.py
3 part1/area_month_amount.py
4 part1/area_top5_KYCD.py
5 part1/area_level_amount.py
6 part2/KYCD_month_amount.py
7 part2/KYCD_total_amount.py
8 part2/KYCD_status_amount.py
9 part2/KYCD_year_amount.py
10 part2/KYCD_weekday_amount.py
11 part2/KYCD_daytime_amount.py
12 part3/level_total_amount.py
13 part3/level_status_amount.py
14 part3/level_status_amount.py
15 part3/level_month_amount.py
16 part3/level_year_amount.py

After you run the shell script, its output will store in the file called results in corresponding part.

Part 3

This part corresponds to scripts in DataVisualization. All scripts and related csv files used to draw plots in this section locate at Big-Data-Project/DataVisualization/Plot_Code. Output plots locate in Big-Data-Project/DataVisualization/Plots.
All scripts in this section should be run in your local computer but not submit on spark or run on Hadoop.

The map between scripts and output plots is listed below:

  1. area_year_amount.py : area_year_amount.png (Yearly Amount of Reported Crime in 5 Boroughs of NYC (2006-2015))
  2. Top10KYCD_year_amount.py : Top10KYCD_year_amount.png (Yearly Amount Trend of TOP 10 Crime Type in NYC (2006-2015))
  3. level_year_amount.py : level_year_amount.png (Yearly Amount of 3 Levels Crime of NYC (2006 - 2015))
  4. Top10KYCD_daytime_amount.py : Top10KYCD_daytime_amount.png (Time Slots of Happened Time (Top 10 Crime Type))
  5. brooklyn_month_amount.py : brooklyn_month_amount.png (Monthly Amount of Crime in Brooklyn (2006-2015))
  6. manhattan_month_amount.py : manhattan_month_amount.png (Monthly Amount of Crime in Manhattan (2006-2015))
  7. brooklyn_3level.py : brooklyn_3level.png
  8. manhattan_3level.py : manhattan_3level.png
  9. bronx_3level.py : bronx_3level.png
  10. queens_3level.py : queens_3level.png
  11. statenisland_3level.py : statenisland_3level.png

Part 4

In this part, we focus on data correlation analysis. We find some distribution features of the data, make hypothesis and prove the correctness of them.