Bluedrake is a carefully designed palette of 16 colors that was inspired by color palettes used for quantitative graphics. The colors in the bluedrake palette were chosen using the perceptually-based HCL (Hue-Chroma-Luminance) color space. The 8 base colors are a sequential color palette with all colors having the same hue (same as the blue accent hue). This sequential palette makes it easy to switch between light and dark color themes while using the same accent colors. The 8 accent colors are a qualitative color palette and were chosen so that no color stands out compared to another color (i.e., all accents have the same chroma and luminance but different hues). This means that different syntax groups are distinguished based on the location of the color on the color wheel rather than how bright the color is.
The basic design and structure underlying bluedrake is similar to the solarized color palette by Ethan Schoonover. The main design difference is that in bluedrake the main content is colored using the blue accent color, whereas in solarized it is colored using a base color. In general, the base colors are not used for content in the bluedrake color scheme, resulting in all content being highlighted by colors that are the same hue.
- Light and dark themes that use the same 16 color palette
- Equally visible content colors
- Base color palette with consistent hue
- GUI and terminal compatible (see Installation for more info)
Unless you have a preferred installation method, I recommend installing pathogen and then simply run:
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://
Then add the following lines to your .vimrc
file for the dark theme:
syntax enable
set background=dark
colorscheme bluedrake
or the following lines for the light theme:
syntax enable
set background=light
colorscheme bluedrake
If you are using vim in a terminal, I highly recommend changing the default
terminal colors to the specs listed in the Colors sections. Light and dark
themes are available for macOS in the terminal
Bluedrake defaults to using the terminal specified colors, if you are in a
terminal that does not allow setting the colors, put let g:bluedrake_256=1
your .vimrc
before the colorscheme bluedrake
If you want to toggle between the light and dark themes, add the following lines
to your .vimrc
function! ColorSchemeToggle()
if &background=="dark"
let &background="light"
let &background="dark"
exe "colorscheme bluedrake"
nnoremap <silent> <F1> :call ColorSchemeToggle()<CR>
If you prefer a light color theme in the GUI and a dark theme in
the terminal add the following lines to your .vimrc
if has('gui_running')
set background=light
set background=dark
Listed below are the color specs for the bluedrake palette:
--------- --------- --------- -- ------- --- -----------
base03 232 30 15 brblack 8 #002d49 235 0 45 73
base02 232 28 21 black 0 #003951 236 0 57 81
base01 232 25 40 brgreen 10 #2f5468 24 47 84 104
base00 232 22 47 bryellow 11 #577284 242 87 114 132
base0 232 18 65 brblue 12 #8ea2b0 247 142 162 176
base1 232 15 72 brcyan 14 #b4c3cf 110 180 195 207
base2 232 12 91 white 7 #dae6f0 253 218 230 240
base3 232 10 97 brwhite 15 #edf8ff 254 237 248 255
yellow 97 90 55 yellow 3 #768f00 100 118 143 0
orange 52 90 55 brred 9 #b67800 136 182 120 0
red 7 90 55 red 1 #d75a69 167 215 90 105
magenta 322 90 55 brmagenta 13 #d74bb9 170 215 75 185
violet 277 90 55 magenta 5 #976ce2 99 151 108 226
blue 232 90 55 blue 4 #0094d4 32 0 148 212
cyan 187 90 55 cyan 6 #00a39a 37 0 163 154
green 142 90 55 green 2 #009e3c 28 0 158 60
Table Notes:
- 16 = terminal color code
- HCL = hue chroma luminance
- RGB = red green blue