CacheJSON is a JSON encoder/decoder for Intersystems Cache based applications and systems.
It can be used as a stand-alone utility class or extended inside your own custom classes to "JSON Enable" your objects.
A handy way to validate that the JSON is legal is to copy the string into this site
The primary features of CacheJSON are:
- Decode a single JSON object into an %ArrayOfDataTypes
- Decode nested arrays of JSON objects into a %ListOfObjects containing %ArrayOfDataTypes
- Decode a single JSON object into a custom Cache object
- Encode an %ArrayOfDataTypes to a JSON string
- Encode a custom Cache object class to a JSON string
- Encode a %ListOfObjects containing %ArrayOfDataTypes into a JSON string
- Embed an array as the value of an element
- Convert a Cache object instance into an %ArrayOfDataTypes
The original code originated from the Intersystem's Zen Google Group Community, however, the base for this class was taken from Yontan's Blog and added to GitHub by @mccrackendfor proper tracking of enhancements and maintenance.
Cache does not come with any native JSON support, necessitating a third party utility to translate JSON strings to & from Cache objects for web applications.
Information & Help
- For information about Intersystems products visit their website.
- Post to the Intersystems Zen Google Group for help or questions.
- See the GitHub issue tracker.
- Visit the Intersystems online documentation.
- Send a message to @PlanetCache on Twitter.
Extending an existing %Persistent object
Import the class into your namespace
and compile.
Then simply extend CacheJSON
on the class you wish to use it with:
Class Sample.Person Extends (%Persistent, %Populate, CacheJSON) [ ClassType = persistent, Inheritance = right ]
Stand-alone utility
Import the class into your namespace
and compile.
Then call the CacheJSON
class methods from your code.
Set encodedList = ##class(CacheJSON).Encode(list)
Below I'll go through some of the common uses and flows you can use with CacheJSON.
Encode an %ArrayOfObjects
An %ArrayOfDataTypes
is a simple Key/Value pair dictionary object used in Cache. CacheJSON
will parse this object into a JSON string with the same key/value pairs contained in this object. Below is sample code to create this array and encode it to a JSON string.
Set myArray = ##class(%ArrayOfDataTypes).%New()
Do myArray.SetAt("Dan","FirstName")
Do myArray.SetAt("McCracken","LastName")
Do myArray.SetAt("01/01/1983","DOB")
Set jsonString = ##class(CacheJSON).Encode(myArray)
Creates a string like so:
Encode a %ListOfDataTypes containing arrays
A %ListOfDataTypes
is a simple array object used in Cache. Insert a bunch of %ArrayOfDataTypes
into the list, and CacheJSON
will translate this into a JSON array. Below is sample code using a list:
Set arr1 = ##class(%ArrayOfDataTypes).%New()
Do arr1.SetAt("Dan","FirstName")
Do arr1.SetAt("McCracken","LastName")
Do arr1.SetAt("01/01/1983","DOB")
Set arr2 = ##class(%ArrayOfDataTypes).%New()
Do arr2.SetAt("Ron","FirstName")
Do arr2.SetAt("Sweeney","LastName")
Do arr2.SetAt("12/31/1978","DOB")
Set list = ##class(%ListOfDataTypes).%New()
Set sc = list.Insert(arr1)
Set sc = list.Insert(arr2)
Set encodedList = ##class(CacheJSON).Encode(list)
Creates a string like so:
Encode an array as an element value
Set the value of an item to another %ArrayOfDataTypes
. Example below:
Set message = ##class(%ArrayOfDataTypes).%New()
Do message.SetAt("Posting to Campfire from Cache!","body")
Set payload = ##class(%ArrayOfDataTypes).%New()
Do payload.SetAt(message,"message")
Set jsonPost = ##class(CacheJSON).Encode(payload)
Creates a string like so:
{"message":{"body":"Posting to Campfire from Cache!"}}
Encode a %Persistent object
After you extend the persistent class with the CacheJSON
class (see instructions above), you can call a method to simply project the object as a JSON string. Example below:
Set obj = ##class(Sample.Person).%OpenId(1)
Set jsonString = obj.GetJSONFromObject()
Creates a string like so:
{"DOB":40434,"MyBool":null,"Name":"Bolt Usain","SSN":"722-81-1666"}
Decode a single JSON object
Given a JSON string representing a single object:
{"DOB":57311,"Name":"Dan McCracken","SSN":"192-20-3003"}
creates an %ArrayOfDataTypes
object containing all the properties using the Decode() method.
Set myDecodedArray = ##class(CacheJSON).Decode(encodedString)
Do $System.OBJ.Dump(myDecodedArray)
+----------------- general information ---------------
| oref value: 3
| class name: %Library.ArrayOfDataTypes
| reference count: 1
+----------------- attribute values ------------------
| Data("DOB") = 57311
| Data("Name") = "Dan McCracken"
| Data("SSN") = "192-20-3003"
| ElementType = "%String"
Decode an array of JSON objects
Given a JSON string representing an array of JSON objects:
[{"DOB":33997,"Name":"Koivu,Phyllis Z.","SSN":"676-82-4467"},{"DOB":61685,"Name":"Kelvin,Kristen S.","SSN":"546-95-9170"},{"DOB":53364,"Name":"DeLillo,Alexandra O.","SSN":"566-60-9488"}]
will decode this array into a %ListOfDataTypes
with nodes containing %ArrayOfDataTypes
that represent each decoded object individually.
Set myDecodedArray = ##class(User.Util.CacheJSON).Decode(arrString)
Do $System.OBJ.Dump(myDecodedArray)
+----------------- general information ---------------
| oref value: 7
| class name: %Library.ListOfDataTypes
| reference count: 1
+----------------- attribute values ------------------
| Data(1) = "12@%Library.ArrayOfDataTypes"
| Data(2) = "14@%Library.ArrayOfDataTypes"
| Data(3) = "16@%Library.ArrayOfDataTypes"
| ElementType = ""
| Size = 3 <Set>
Do $System.OBJ.Dump(myDecodedArray.GetAt(1))
+----------------- general information ---------------
| oref value: 12
| class name: %Library.ArrayOfDataTypes
| reference count: 1
+----------------- attribute values ------------------
| Data("DOB") = 33997
| Data("Name") = "Koivu,Phyllis Z."
| Data("SSN") = "676-82-4467"
| ElementType = "%String"
Decode a single JSON object into a custom Cache object
Given a JSON string with keys that map to a custom Cache object:
{"DOB":57311,"Name":"Dan McCracken","SSN":"192-20-3003"}
When CacheJSON
is extended on the object you're trying to map the JSON string to, you can create a new object containing the JSON values as properties using the GetObjectFromJSON() method.
USER> Set newPerson = ##class(Sample.Person).GetObjectFromJSON(encodedJSON)
USER> Write newPerson.Name
Dan McCracken
Convert a Cache object into an %ArrayOfDataTypes
This is a helper method that will translate your object into an %ArrayOfDataTypes
, allowing you to quickly build up a %ListOfDataTypes
to Encode() as a return value for your methods. Using this method inside a quick loop generates a desired list:
Set list = ##class(%ListOfDataTypes).%New()
For x=1:1:3 {
Set obj = ##class(Sample.Person).%OpenId(x)
Set sc = list.Insert(obj.GetAsArrayOfDataTypes())
Set encodedList = ##class(Sample.Person).Encode(list)
This code generates an array of 3 JSON encoded Person objects that look like this:
[{"DOB":33997,"Name":"Koivu,Phyllis Z.","SSN":"676-82-4467","Spouse":null},{"DOB":61685,"Name":"Kelvin,Kristen S.","SSN":"546-95-9170","Spouse":null},{"DOB":53364,"Name":"DeLillo,Alexandra O.","SSN":"566-60-9488","Spouse":null}]
There is a set of tests included in the repository that originated from Yontan's Blog that is a standard Cache %UnitTest.TestCase
To run the test, use a command like:
Do ##class(%UnitTest.Manager).RunTest("TestJSON:TestJSON","/noload/norecursive/nodelete")
If you find something that looks like a bug:
- Check the GitHub issue tracker to see if it's a known issue.
- If you don't see anything, create an issue with information on how to reproduce it.
If you want to contribute an enhancement or a fix:
- Fork the project on GitHub.
- Make your changes and (optionally) update the test class.
- Commit the changes to your forked repo.
- Send a pull request.