A text file viewer for very very big size text file. Easy to open a file bigger than 50GB.
It is licensed under MIT.
可以从Releases中下载以发布的jar包,运行需要java 1.8+的环境。
Download Windows installer package
(all-in-one package)
Or You can download from maven or from Github and build yourself.
You can download from maven or from Github and build yourself.
$ mvn clean install
(For now Windows Platform only supported)
> mvn clean install
> create_installer_for_windows.bat
$ java -jar llpad-0.5.5-jar-with-dependencies.jar
- LLPAD is not read the entire file at once.
- So in order to correspond to a big file it reads a small part of the file into buffer(CachedArea).
- The area to be displayed in the text area is called viewArea and displays a part of the buffer.
- When the caret is moved, the viewArea also moves, and when the viewArea reaches the end of the buffer, the next area is read into the buffer.
- You can add dependencies to maven pom.xml file.