
Code for Paper "Block Value Symmetries in Probabilistic Graphical Models". Gagan Madan, Ankit Anand, Mausam, Parag Singla. Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI). Monterey, CA, USA. August 2018.

Primary LanguageGAP

Block-Value Symmetries in Probabilistic Graphical Models

This repository contains the code for Block-Value Symmetries in Probabilistic Graphical Models - Gagan Madan, Ankit Anand, Mausam, Parag Singla, in Proceedings of Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), Monterey, CA, USA, August 2018.

Directory Structure

The code is organized as follows:

├── src: Contains the source code for heuristic, block_gibbs, domains
│   ├── candidate_lists
│   │    ── colour_signaure.cpp: Code for generating block partitions
│   │    ── Makefile: Makefile with rules for colour_signature
│   ├── domain_generation
│   │    ── generate_job_search.py: Generates a PGM from the Job Search Domain
│   │    ── generate_student_curriculum.py: Generates a PGM from the Student Curriculum Domain
│   │    ── add_evidence_job_search.py: Adds evidence to a genreated PGM from Job Search Domain
│   │    ── add_evidence_student_curriculum.py: Adds evidence to a genreated PGM from Job Search Domain
│   │    ── construct_graph.py: Generates an input graph for Saucy
│   │    ── simplify_graph.py: Simplifies a PGM 
│   ├── mcmc
│   │    ── marginals_generator.g: Computes the true marginals by Gibbs sampling for a sufficient number of iterations
│   │    ── gibbs.g: Computes marginals by Vanilla-MCMC and calculates KL-Divergence values with true marginals
│   │    ── nc_gibbs.g: Computes marginals by VV-MCMC and calculates KL-Divergence values with true marginals
│   │    ──  block_mcmc.g: Computes marginals by BV-MCMC and calculates KL-Divergence values with true marginals
├── bin: Contains compiled code for heuristic
│    ──  colour_signature
├── experiments: Contains data for experiments performed
│   ├──  job_search
│   │   ├── 30: Files for 30 people, 0% evidence
│   │   │   ── kl_gibbs.csv: KL-Divergence with true marginals for Vanilla-MCMC
│   │   │   ── nc_kl.csv: KL-Divergence with true marginals for VV-MCMC
│   │   │   ── block_gibbs.csv: KL-Divergence with true marginals for BV-MCMC
│   │   │   ── ...
│   │   ├── 50: Files for 50 people, 0% evidence
│   │   │   ── kl_gibbs.csv: KL-Divergence with true marginals for Vanilla-MCMC
│   │   │   ── nc_kl.csv: KL-Divergence with true marginals for VV-MCMC
│   │   │   ── block_gibbs.csv: KL-Divergence with true marginals for BV-MCMC
│   │   │   ── ...
│   │   ├── 50_10evid: Files for 50 people, 10% evidence
│   │   │   ── kl_gibbs.csv: KL-Divergence with true marginals for Vanilla-MCMC
│   │   │   ── nc_kl.csv: KL-Divergence with true marginals for VV-MCMC
│   │   │   ── block_gibbs.csv: KL-Divergence with true marginals for BV-MCMC
│   │   │   ── ...
│   ├──  student_curriculum
│   │   ├── 600_50: Files for 600 students, 50 friends, 0% evidence
│   │   │   ── kl_gibbs.csv: KL-Divergence with true marginals for Vanilla-MCMC
│   │   │   ── nc_kl.csv: KL-Divergence with true marginals for VV-MCMC
│   │   │   ── block_gibbs.csv: KL-Divergence with true marginals for BV-MCMC
│   │   │   ── ...
│   │   ├── 1200_100: Files for 1200 students, 100 friends 0% evidence
│   │   │   ── kl_gibbs.csv: KL-Divergence with true marginals for Vanilla-MCMC
│   │   │   ── nc_kl.csv: KL-Divergence with true marginals for VV-MCMC
│   │   │   ── block_gibbs.csv: KL-Divergence with true marginals for BV-MCMC
│   │   │   ── ...
│   │   ├── 1200_100_10evid: Files for 1200 students, 100 friends 10% evidence
│   │   │   ── kl_gibbs.csv: KL-Divergence with true marginals for Vanilla-MCMC
│   │   │   ── nc_kl.csv: KL-Divergence with true marginals for VV-MCMC
│   │   │   ── block_gibbs.csv: KL-Divergence with true marginals for BV-MCMC
│   │   │   ── ...

Compilation Instructions

Compilating the code for heuristic requires access to saucy source code. If you have access to saucy source code, please paste the files src/candidate_lists/colour_signature.cpp and src/candidate_lists/Makefile to your saucy directory and then compile using the Makefile:

cp src/candidate_lists/* <path-for-saucy-directory>
make colour_signature

This should generate colour_signature binary. Run this using:

./colour_signature <number_of_candidate_lists_to_generate>

In case the number of candidate lists to generate is not specified, this would try to use as many candidate lists required to cover all valid blocks.

Generating Domains and Running MCMC

To generate instances from a new domain and run MCMC, follow these steps:

  1. Generate the domain PGM using:
cd src/domain_generation
python generate_job_search.py <num_people> test_raw
python generate_student_curriculum.py <num_students> <num_friends> test_raw
  1. (Optional) Add evidence to the generated PGM
python add_evidence_job_search.py <evidence_fraction> test_raw test
python add_evidence_student_curriculum.py <evidence_fraction> test_raw test
  1. Simplify graph and construct graph for input to Saucy
python simplify_graph.py test test.num
python construct_graph.py test test.saucy
  1. Generate true marginals for the given PGM
$GAP_DIR/bin/gap.sh -q < marginals_generator.g
  1. Run Vanilla-MCMC, VV-MCMC and BV-MCMC
$GAP_DIR/bin/gap.sh -q < gibbs.g
$GAP_DIR/bin/gap.sh -q < nc_gibbs.g
$GAP_DIR/bin/gap.sh -q < block_mcmc.g

Citing this work

Block-Value Symmetries in Probabilistic Graphical Models - Gagan Madan, Ankit Anand, Mausam, Parag Singla. In Proceedings of Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), Monterey, CA, USA, August 2018.