1. printf
1.1 符号说明
%a(%A) 浮点数、十六进制数字和p-(P-)记数法(C99)
%c 字符
%d 有符号十进制整数
%f 浮点数(包括float和double)
%e(%E) 浮点数指数输出[e-(E-)记数法]
%g(%G) 浮点数不显无意义的零"0"
%i 有符号十进制整数(与%d相同)
%u 无符号十进制整数
%o 八进制整数 e.g. 0123
%x(%X) 十六进制整数0f(0F) e.g. 0x1234
%p 指针
%s 字符串
%% "%"
1.2 对齐
左对齐:"-" e.g. "%-20s"
右对齐:"+" e.g. "%+20s"
空格:若符号为正,则显示空格,负则显示"-" e.g. "% 6.2f"
#:对c,s,d,u类无影响;对o类,在输出时加前缀o;对x类,在输出时加前缀0x;对e,g,f 类当结果有小数时才给出小数点
1.3 格式化输出
"%-md" :左对齐,若m比实际少时,按实际输出。
"%m.ns":输出m位,取字符串(左起)n位,左补空格,当n>m or m省略时m=n.
e.g. "%7.2s" 输入CHINA
输出" CH"
e.g. "%3.1f" 输入3852.99
2. 符号的英文读法
+ plus 加号;正号
- minus 减号;负号
± plus or minus 正负号
× is multiplied by 乘号
÷ is divided by 除号
= is equal to 等于号
≠ is not equal to 不等于号
≡ is equivalent to 全等于号
≌ is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号
≈ is approximately equal to 约等于号
< is less than 小于号
> is greater than 大于号
≮ is not less than 不小于号
≯ is not more than 不大于号
≤ is less than or equal to 小于或等于号
≥ is more than or equal to 大于或等于号
% per cent 百分之…
‰ per mill 千分之…
∞ infinity 无限大号
∝ varies as 与…成比例
√ (square) root 平方根
∵ since; because 因为
∴ hence 所以
∷ equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例
∠ angle 角
⌒ semicircle 半圆
⊙ circle 圆
○ circumference 圆周
π pi 圆周率
△ triangle 三角形
⊥ perpendicular to 垂直于
∪ union of 并,合集
∩ intersection of 交,通集
∫ the integral of …的积分
∑ (sigma) summation of 总和
° degree 度
′ minute 分
″ second 秒
℃ Celsius system 摄氏度
{ open brace, open curly 左花括号
} close brace, close curly 右花括号
( open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号
) close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号
() brakets/ parentheses 括号
[ open bracket 左方括号
] close bracket 右方括号
[] square brackets 方括号
. period, dot 句号,点
| vertical bar, vertical virgule 竖线
& ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用
* asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星号,乘号,星,指针
/ slash, divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号
// slash-slash, comment 双斜线,注释符
# pound 井 号
backslash, sometimes escape 反斜线转义符,有时表示转义符或续行符
~ tilde 波浪符
. full stop 句号
, comma 逗号
: colon 冒号
; semicolon 分号
? question mark 问号
! exclamation mark (英式英语) exclamation point (美式英语)
‘ apostrophe 撇号
- hyphen 连字号
– dash 破折号
… dots/ ellipsis 省略号
” single quotation marks 单引号
“” double quotation marks 双引号
‖ parallel 双线号
& ampersand = and
~ swung dash 代字号
§ section; division 分节号
→ arrow 箭号;参见号
3. C/C++头文件
// /C
#include < assert.h> // 设定插入点
#include < ctype.h> // 字符处理
#include < errno.h> // 定义错误码
#include < float.h> // 浮点数处理
#include < limits.h> // 定义各种数据类型最值常量
#include < locale.h> // 定义本地化函数
#include < math.h> // 定义数学函数
#include < setjmp.h> // 非局部跳转
#include < signal.h> // 信号处理
#include < stdarg.h> // 变长变元表
#include < stddef.h>
#include < stdio.h> // 定义输入/输出函数
#include < stdlib.h> // 定义杂项函数及内存分配函数
#include < string.h> // 字符串处理
#include < time.h> // 定义关于时间的函数
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// /标准 C++
// /C语言部分略
#include < algorithm> // STL 通用算法
#include < bitset> // STL 位集容器
#include < complex> // 复数类
#include < deque> // STL 双端队列容器
#include < exception> // 异常处理类
#include < fstream> // 文件输入/输出
#include < functional> // STL 定义运算函数(代替运算符)
#include < limits>
#include < list> // STL 线性列表容器
#include < map> // STL 映射容器
#include < iomanip>
#include < ios> // 基本输入/输出支持
#include < iosfwd> // 输入/输出系统使用的前置声明
#include < iostream>
#include < istream> // 基本输入流
#include < ostream> // 基本输出流
#include < queue> // STL 队列容器
#include < set> // STL 集合容器
#include < sstream> // 基于字符串的流
#include < stack> // STL 堆栈容器
#include < stdexcept> // 标准异常类
#include < streambuf> // 底层输入/输出支持
#include < string> // 字符串类
#include < utility> // STL 通用模板类
#include < vector> // STL 动态数组容器
#include < cwchar>
#include < cwctype>
using namespace std ;
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// /C99 增加
#include < complex.h> // 复数处理
#include < fenv.h> // 浮点环境
#include < inttypes.h> // 整数格式转换
#include < stdbool.h> // 布尔环境
#include < stdint.h> // 整型环境
#include < tgmath.h> // 通用类型数学宏
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4. 注意事项
GCC/G++中,输出double应该使用printf("%f") 而不是lf
如果用scanf接收了一行数据,再用gets, gets会直接接收到空串!因为,scanf接受了一行数据以后换行符仍然在缓冲区中,gets()遇到换行符,接收会结束. 解决方法,scanf 后加一个getchar()
2^31-1 =0x7fffffff
-2^31 =-0x7fffffff-1
精确的pi :double pi=acos(-1);
5. N次方求和
6. 字符串处理
*颠倒一个字符串的顺序 "abc\0" – "cba\0"
*array 为需要颠倒顺序的字符串
*length 为字符串array的长度
int stringReverse (char * array ,int length ){
int i = 0 ,j = length - 1 ;
while (i < j ){
char cha = array [i ];
array [i ] = array [j ];
array [j ] = cha ;i ++ ;j -- ;
return 1 ;
7. 进制转换
*str 为base进制数
*base 为str的进制
int myPow (int a ,int b ){
int rs = 1 ;
while (b -- ){rs *= a ;}
return rs ;
int anyToDecimal (char * str ,int base ,int length ){
int decimal = 0 ,i ;
for (i = 0 ;i < length ;i ++ ){
if (str [i ] >= 65 )/*为十六进制的时候*/ {
decimal += myPow (base ,length - 1 - i )* (str [i ] - 'A' + 10 );
else if (str [i ] <= '9' ){
decimal += myPow (base ,length - 1 - i )* (str [i ] - '0' );
return decimal ;
8. 栈
/* *
*栈 C++
*clear() push() top() empty() pop() size()
typedef int T;
struct myStack {
int curr,size_limit;
T *array;
myStack (int s){// 必须传入栈的大小
curr = -1 ; size_limit = s;
array = new T[s];
void clear (){curr = -1 ;}/* 清空栈 重新使用*/
void free (){delete array;clear ();}/* 释放栈 不能再使用*/
T top (){
if (curr > -1 ){return array[curr];}
else return curr;}
bool push (T v){
if (curr+1 < size_limit){array[++curr] = v;return true ;}
return false ;}
bool empty (){
if (curr < 0 )return true ;
else return false ;}
void pop (){curr--;}
int size (){return curr+1 ;}
8. 表达式转换
/* *
int priorityLevle (const char x){
/* *
int rightAssociative (const char x){
switch (x){
case ' ^' :{ return 1 ;}
return 0 ;
/* *
*shunting_yard: infix expression to RPN
void shunting_yard (char *result,const char *expression){
stack<char > my;
int len = strlen (expression), r = 0 ;
for (int i = 0 ;i < len;i++){
if (expression[i] == ' ' ) continue ;
if (expression[i] >= ' 0' && expression[i] <= ' 9' ){
// 是数字直接加到输出队列
result[r++] = expression[i];
else {// 操作符或者括号
// /以下代码需要根据具体情况修改
// /需要注意操作符的优先级和结合性
if (r != 0 && result[r-1 ] != ' ' ) result[r++] = ' ' ;// 数字之间必须要用空格隔开
if (expression[i] == ' )' ){
while (!my.empty () && () != ' (' ){
// 遇到右括号的时候 要将括号里边的表达式看成一个整体
// 将左括号之后的内容都弹出
result[r++] = (); my.pop ();
if (!my.empty ()) my.pop ();// 弹出左括号
else {
while (expression[i] != ' (' // 左括号直接入栈
&&!my.empty ()// 栈为空的时候也直接入栈
// /如果是操作符 需要弹出栈里优先级比它高 或者 优先级相等但是是左结合的操作符
&& () != ' (' // 遇到左括号相当于栈为空
&& (
(priorityLevle ( ()) > priorityLevle (expression[i]))
||(priorityLevle ( ())==priorityLevle (expression[i])&& !rightAssociative ( ()))
result[r++] = (); my.pop ();
my.push (expression[i]);// 将这个操作符入栈
while (!my.empty ()){
result[r++] = (); my.pop ();
result[r] = ' \0 ' ;
9. 搜索
*如果找到flag为1 posi为所查找到的位置
*如果没找到flag为0 posi为该值应该插入的位置
struct node {
int flag ;//0表示不存在
int posi ;//返回插入或者删除的位置
struct node * binarySearch (int * array ,int value ,int left ,int right ){
struct node * pointer = (struct node * )malloc (sizeof (struct node ));
pointer -> flag = 0 ;pointer -> posi = -1 ;
if (right == 0 ){//left == -1 impossible
pointer -> flag = pointer -> posi = 0 ;
return pointer ;
while (left <= right ){
int mid = ((left + right ) >> 1 );
if (value == array [mid ]){
pointer -> flag = 1 ;
pointer -> posi = mid ;
return pointer ;
else {
(value > array [mid ])?(left = mid + 1 ):(right = mid - 1 );
pointer -> posi = left ;return pointer ;
10. 排序
*插入函数 插入之前应先申请一个要插入的pointer节点 然后传进去
*查找函数 root为根节点 parent等于root value为要查找的值 flag为0返回查找到的节点的
*父节点这样便于删除时使用 flag 为1返回查找到的节点的指针
*删除函数 传入要删除的节点的父节点和要删除的节点 如果待删节点为父节点的左孩子flag=0
*如果为右孩子 flag = 1
*构造函数 将一个数组从start到end(不包括end)的范围构造为一个二叉排序树 root为根节
struct node {
int value ;
struct node * left ,* right ;
int insertBST (struct node * root ,struct node * pointer ){
if (root == NULL ){
root = pointer ;//插入的节点的左右孩子的初始值一定要为NULL
else if (pointer -> value < root -> value ){
insertBST (root -> left ,pointer );
else {
insertBST (root -> right ,pointer );
return 1 ;
struct node * searchBST (struct node * root ,struct node * parent ,int value ,int flag ){
if (root == NULL ){
return NULL ;
else if (root -> value == value ){
if (flag == 0 ){return parent ;}
else {return root ;}
else if (value < root -> value ){
return searchBST (root -> left ,root ,value ,flag );
else {
return searchBST (root -> right ,root ,value ,flag );
return NULL ;
int deleteBST (struct node * parent ,struct node * pointer ,int flag ){
if (pointer -> left == NULL && pointer -> right == NULL ){
if (flag == 0 ){
//pointer 为parent的左子叶
parent -> left = NULL ;
else {
//pointer 为parent的右子叶
parent -> right = NULL ;
free (pointer );
else if (pointer -> left == NULL ){
if (flag == 0 ){
parent -> left = pointer -> right ;
else {
parent -> right = pointer -> right ;
free (pointer );
//如果struct node中用一个数组保存left和right
//就可以写成 parent->array[flag] = pointer->right;
else if (pointer -> right == NULL ){
if (flag == 0 ){
parent -> left = pointer -> left ;
else {
parent -> right = pointer -> left ;
free (pointer );
else {
parent = pointer ;
struct node * s = pointer -> right ;
//找右子树中最左的节点 或者找左子树中最右的节点
while (s -> left != NULL ){
parent = s ;
s = s -> left ;
pointer -> value = s -> value ;
parent -> left = s -> right ;
//因为s肯定没有左子树 所以把右子树接在父节点的左指针上就行了
free (s );
return 1 ;
int constructBST (struct node * root ,int * array ,int start ,int end ){
struct node * pointer = (struct node * )malloc (sizeof (struct node ));
while (start < end ){
pointer -> value = array [start ];
pointer -> left = NULL ;
pointer -> right = NULL ;
insertBST (root ,pointer );
start ++ ;
return 1 ;
/* *
*quickSort ,快速排序,传入要排序的数组和需要排序的范围[left,right]
void quickSort (int left,int right,int array[]){
int i = left,j = right,x = array[(left+right)/2 ];
do {
while (array[i] < x)i++;
while (array[j] > x)j--;// 使左边的值都比右边的小
if (i <= j) {std::swap (array[i++],array[j--]);}
}while (i < j);// i >= j
if (i < right)quickSort (i,right,array);
if (j > left)quickSort (left,j,array);
*heapSort 堆排序模板 (大根堆)
int mySwap (int * a ,int * b ){
if (a == b ) return ;
(* a ) = (* a ) ^ (* b );
(* b ) = (* a ) ^ (* b );
(* a ) = (* a ) ^ (* b );
return 1 ;
int sift (int array [],int k ,int m )//one-based
int i = k ,j = i <<1 ;//置i为要筛的节点 j 为i的左孩子
while (j <= m ){//仍然在范围之内
if (j < m && array [j ] < array [j + 1 ]){//右孩子存在 且左孩子小于右孩子
j ++ ;//因为要建大根堆 所以选择孩子中较大者进行交换
if (array [i ] > array [j ]){
break ;//不需要再向下比较 因为之前也是调整过的大根堆
else {
mySwap (& array [i ],& array [j ]);
i = j ;j = (i <<1 );//被筛节点移动到j节点 计算左孩子
return 1 ;
int heapSort (int array [],int n ){// one-based 从1开始保存的 到n结束 left_child = 2*parent
int i ;
for (i = n >>1 ;i >= 1 ;i -- ){
sift (array ,i ,n );//初始建堆 从 最后一个非终端节点到 1
for (i = 1 ;i < n ;i ++ ){//重复执行移走堆顶并重建堆的操作
mySwap (& array [1 ],& array [n - i + 1 ]);//从n到2 不断和堆顶交换 one-based
sift (array ,1 ,n - i );//重建堆
return 1 ;
11. 递归
*汉诺塔 递归实现
int move (int n ,char x ,char y ){
printf ("move %d from %c to %c\n" ,n ,x ,y );//输出移动过程
return 1 ;
int hanoi (int n ,char a ,char b ,char c ){//将n个盘子借助b从a移动到c
if (n == 1 ){move (1 ,a ,c );}
else {
hanoi (n - 1 ,a ,c ,b );//把n-1个盘子借助c从a移动到b
move (n ,a ,c );//把第n个盘子从a移动到c
hanoi (n - 1 ,b ,a ,c );//将n-1个盘子借助a从b移动到c
return 1 ;
12. 链表
*构建一个未赋值的循环单链表 至少有头和尾两个节点
struct node {
int value ;
struct node * next ;
struct node * constructRecurrentSingleChain (int start ,int end ){
struct node * head = (struct node * )malloc (sizeof (struct node ));
struct node * tail = (struct node * )malloc (sizeof (struct node ));
head -> next = tail ;
tail -> next = head ;
//head->value= -1;
//tail->value= -1;
while (start != end ){
struct node * new_node = (struct node * )malloc (sizeof (struct node ));
//new_node->value = start;根据具体情况进行赋值
new_node -> next = head ;
tail -> next = new_node ;
tail = new_node ;
start ++ ;
return head ;
*构建未赋值的循环双链表 至少有头和尾两个节点
struct node {
int value ;
struct node * prev ;
struct node * next ;
struct node * constructRecurrentDoubleChain (int start ,int end ){
struct node * head = (struct node * )malloc (sizeof (struct node ));
struct node * tail = (struct node * )malloc (sizeof (struct node ));
head -> prev = tail ;
head -> next = tail ;
tail -> next = head ;
tail -> prev = head ;
//head->value= -1;
//tail->value= -1;
while (start != end ){
struct node * new_node = (struct node * )malloc (sizeof (struct node ));
//new_node->value = start;
tail -> next = new_node ;
head -> prev = new_node ;
new_node -> prev = tail ;
new_node -> next = head ;
tail = new_node ;
start ++ ;
return head ;
13. 大数
/* *
*大数的加法 乘法运算
*效率很低 不能用于算大数阶乘
class BigInteger
BigInteger ();
BigInteger (int );
BigInteger (string);
bool Display ();
friend BigInteger operator +(const BigInteger&,const BigInteger&);
friend BigInteger operator *(const BigInteger&,const BigInteger&);
friend ostream& operator <<(std::ostream&,BigInteger&);
static const int max_len = 100000 ;
int len;
int array[max_len];
BigInteger::BigInteger (){
memset (array,0 ,sizeof (array));
// 或者将sizeof(array) 换成 max_len*4
len = 0 ;
BigInteger::BigInteger (string digit){
memset (array,0 ,sizeof (array));
len = digit.size ();
for (int i = 0 ;i < len;i++){
array[i] = digit[len - i - 1 ] - ' 0' ;
BigInteger::BigInteger (int digit){
memset (array,0 ,sizeof (array));
if (digit == 0 )len = 1 ;
else len = 0 ;
while (digit != 0 ){
array[len++] = digit % 10 ;
digit = digit / 10 ;
bool BigInteger::Display (){
for (int i = len - 1 ;i >= 0 ;i--) cout << array[i];
return true ;
std::ostream& operator <<(ostream &out,BigInteger &digit){
digit.Display (); return out;
BigInteger operator +(const BigInteger &augend,const BigInteger &addend){
BigInteger result;
result.len = max (augend.len ,addend.len );
for (int i = 0 ;i < result.len ;i++)
result.array [i] = augend.array [i] + addend.array [i];
for (int i= 0 ;i < result.len ;i++){
if (result.array [i] >= 10 ){
result.array [i] -= 10 ;
result.array [i+1 ]++;
if (result.array [result.len ] > 0 ){result.len ++;}
return result;
BigInteger operator *(const BigInteger &multiplicand,const BigInteger &multiplier)
BigInteger result;
result.len = multiplicand.len + multiplier.len - 1 ;
for (int i = 0 ;i < multiplicand.len ;i++){
for (int j = 0 ;j < multiplier.len ;j++)
result.array [i + j] += multiplicand.array [i]*multiplier.array [j];
for (int i = 0 ;i < result.len ;i++){
if (result.array [i] > 9 ){
result.array [i+1 ] += result.array [i] / 10 ;
result.array [i] %= 10 ;
if (result.array [result.len ] > 0 ) result.len ++;
while (result.len > 1 && result.array [result.len -1 ] == 0 )
result.len --;// 为0的时候不用去掉第一位的0
return result;
*n的阶乘 结果为大数,保存在array数组中
*end - 1 到 0为结果 (end-1)在前,为高位
int factorial (int * array ,int n ){
int end = 1 ; array [0 ] = 1 ;
for (int i = 2 ;i <= n ;i ++ ){
int r = 0 ;
for (int j = 0 ;j < end ;j ++ ){
int t = array [j ]* i + r ;
array [j ] = t %10 ;
r = t /10 ;
while (r ){
array [end ++ ] = r % 10 ;
r /= 10 ;
return end ;
*注意这里的int可能会超 void div(bignum_t a,const int b,int& c)
#define DIGIT 3//千进制
#define DEPTH 1000//千进制
#define MAX 1000//位数
typedef int bignum_t [MAX + 1 ];
int read (bignum_t a ,istream & is = cin ){
char buf [MAX * DIGIT + 1 ],ch ;
int i ,j ;
memset ((void * )a ,0 ,sizeof (bignum_t ));
if (!(is >>buf )) return 0 ;
for (a [0 ]= strlen (buf ),i = a [0 ]/2 - 1 ;i >=0 ;i -- )
ch = buf [i ],buf [i ]= buf [a [0 ]- 1 - i ],buf [a [0 ]- 1 - i ]= ch ;
for (a [0 ]= (a [0 ]+ DIGIT - 1 )/DIGIT ,j = strlen (buf );j < a [0 ]* DIGIT ;buf [j ++ ]= '0' );
for (i = 1 ;i <=a [0 ];i ++ )
for (a [i ]= 0 ,j = 0 ;j < DIGIT ;j ++ )
a [i ]= a [i ]* 10 + buf [i * DIGIT - 1 - j ]- '0' ;
for (;!a [a [0 ]]&& a [0 ]> 1 ;a [0 ]-- );
return 1 ;
void write (const bignum_t a ,ostream & os = cout ){
int i ,j ;
for (os <<a [i = a [0 ]],i -- ;i ;i -- )
for (j = DEPTH /10 ;j ;j /=10 )
os <<a [i ]/j %10 ;
int comp (const bignum_t a ,const bignum_t b ){
int i ;
if (a [0 ]!= b [0 ])
return a [0 ]- b [0 ];
for (i = a [0 ];i ;i -- )
if (a [i ]!= b [i ])
return a [i ]- b [i ];
return 0 ;
int comp (const bignum_t a ,const int b ){
int c [12 ]= {1 };
for (c [1 ]= b ;c [c [0 ]]>=DEPTH ;c [c [0 ]+ 1 ]= c [c [0 ]]/DEPTH ,c [c [0 ]]%=DEPTH ,c [0 ]++ );
return comp (a ,c );
int comp (const bignum_t a ,const int c ,const int d ,const bignum_t b ){
int i ,t = 0 ,O = - DEPTH * 2 ;
if (b [0 ]- a [0 ]< d && c )
return 1 ;
for (i = b [0 ];i > d ;i -- ){
t = t * DEPTH + a [i - d ]* c - b [i ];
if (t > 0 ) return 1 ;
if (t < O ) return 0 ;
for (i = d ;i ;i -- ){
t = t * DEPTH - b [i ];
if (t > 0 ) return 1 ;
if (t < O ) return 0 ;
return t > 0 ;
void add (bignum_t a ,const bignum_t b ){
int i ;
for (i = 1 ;i <=b [0 ];i ++ )
if ((a [i ]+= b [i ])>=DEPTH )
a [i ]-= DEPTH ,a [i + 1 ]++ ;
if (b [0 ]>=a [0 ])
a [0 ]= b [0 ];
for (;a [i ]>=DEPTH && i < a [0 ];a [i ]-= DEPTH ,i ++ ,a [i ]++ );
a [0 ]+= (a [a [0 ]+ 1 ]> 0 );
void add (bignum_t a ,const int b ){
int i = 1 ;
for (a [1 ]+= b ;a [i ]>=DEPTH && i < a [0 ];a [i + 1 ]+= a [i ]/DEPTH ,a [i ]%=DEPTH ,i ++ );
for (;a [a [0 ]]>=DEPTH ;a [a [0 ]+ 1 ]= a [a [0 ]]/DEPTH ,a [a [0 ]]%=DEPTH ,a [0 ]++ );
void sub (bignum_t a ,const bignum_t b ){
int i ;
for (i = 1 ;i <=b [0 ];i ++ )
if ((a [i ]-= b [i ])< 0 )
a [i + 1 ]-- ,a [i ]+= DEPTH ;
for (;a [i ]< 0 ;a [i ]+= DEPTH ,i ++ ,a [i ]-- );
for (;!a [a [0 ]]&& a [0 ]> 1 ;a [0 ]-- );
void sub (bignum_t a ,const int b ){
int i = 1 ;
for (a [1 ]-= b ;a [i ]< 0 ;a [i + 1 ]+= (a [i ]- DEPTH + 1 )/DEPTH ,a [i ]-= (a [i ]- DEPTH + 1 )/DEPTH * DEPTH ,i ++ );
for (;!a [a [0 ]]&& a [0 ]> 1 ;a [0 ]-- );
void sub (bignum_t a ,const bignum_t b ,const int c ,const int d ){
int i ,O = b [0 ]+ d ;
for (i = 1 + d ;i <=O ;i ++ )
if ((a [i ]-= b [i - d ]* c )< 0 )
a [i + 1 ]+= (a [i ]- DEPTH + 1 )/DEPTH ,a [i ]-= (a [i ]- DEPTH + 1 )/DEPTH * DEPTH ;
for (;a [i ]< 0 ;a [i + 1 ]+= (a [i ]- DEPTH + 1 )/DEPTH ,a [i ]-= (a [i ]- DEPTH + 1 )/DEPTH * DEPTH ,i ++ );
for (;!a [a [0 ]]&& a [0 ]> 1 ;a [0 ]-- );
void mul (bignum_t c ,const bignum_t a ,const bignum_t b ){
int i ,j ;
memset ((void * )c ,0 ,sizeof (bignum_t ));
for (c [0 ]= a [0 ]+ b [0 ]- 1 ,i = 1 ;i <=a [0 ];i ++ )
for (j = 1 ;j <=b [0 ];j ++ )
if ((c [i + j - 1 ]+= a [i ]* b [j ])>=DEPTH )
c [i + j ]+= c [i + j - 1 ]/DEPTH ,c [i + j - 1 ]%=DEPTH ;
for (c [0 ]+= (c [c [0 ]+ 1 ]> 0 );!c [c [0 ]]&& c [0 ]> 1 ;c [0 ]-- );
void mul (bignum_t a ,const int b ){
int i ;
for (a [1 ]*=b ,i = 2 ;i <=a [0 ];i ++ ){
a [i ]*=b ;
if (a [i - 1 ]>=DEPTH )
a [i ]+= a [i - 1 ]/DEPTH ,a [i - 1 ]%=DEPTH ;
for (;a [a [0 ]]>=DEPTH ;a [a [0 ]+ 1 ]= a [a [0 ]]/DEPTH ,a [a [0 ]]%=DEPTH ,a [0 ]++ );
for (;!a [a [0 ]]&& a [0 ]> 1 ;a [0 ]-- );
void mul (bignum_t b ,const bignum_t a ,const int c ,const int d ){
int i ;
memset ((void * )b ,0 ,sizeof (bignum_t ));
for (b [0 ]= a [0 ]+ d ,i = d + 1 ;i <=b [0 ];i ++ )
if ((b [i ]+= a [i - d ]* c )>=DEPTH )
b [i + 1 ]+= b [i ]/DEPTH ,b [i ]%=DEPTH ;
for (;b [b [0 ]+ 1 ];b [0 ]++ ,b [b [0 ]+ 1 ]= b [b [0 ]]/DEPTH ,b [b [0 ]]%=DEPTH );
for (;!b [b [0 ]]&& b [0 ]> 1 ;b [0 ]-- );
void div (bignum_t c ,bignum_t a ,const bignum_t b ){
int h ,l ,m ,i ;
memset ((void * )c ,0 ,sizeof (bignum_t ));
c [0 ]= (b [0 ]< a [0 ]+ 1 )?(a [0 ]- b [0 ]+ 2 ):1 ;
for (i = c [0 ];i ;sub (a ,b ,c [i ]= m ,i - 1 ),i -- )
for (h = DEPTH - 1 ,l = 0 ,m = (h + l + 1 )>>1 ;h > l ;m = (h + l + 1 )>>1 )
if (comp (b ,m ,i - 1 ,a )) h = m - 1 ;
else l = m ;
for (;!c [c [0 ]]&& c [0 ]> 1 ;c [0 ]-- );
c [0 ]= c [0 ]> 1 ?c [0 ]:1 ;
void div (bignum_t a ,const int b ,long long & c ){
int i ;
for (c = 0 ,i = a [0 ];i ;c = c * DEPTH + a [i ],a [i ]= c /b ,c %=b ,i -- );
for (;!a [a [0 ]]&& a [0 ]> 1 ;a [0 ]-- );
void sqrt (bignum_t b ,bignum_t a ){
int h ,l ,m ,i ;
memset ((void * )b ,0 ,sizeof (bignum_t ));
for (i = b [0 ]= (a [0 ]+ 1 )>>1 ;i ;sub (a ,b ,m ,i - 1 ),b [i ]+= m ,i -- )
for (h = DEPTH - 1 ,l = 0 ,b [i ]= m = (h + l + 1 )>>1 ;h > l ;b [i ]= m = (h + l + 1 )>>1 )
if (comp (b ,m ,i - 1 ,a )) h = m - 1 ;
else l = m ;
for (;!b [b [0 ]]&& b [0 ]> 1 ;b [0 ]-- );
for (i = 1 ;i <=b [0 ];b [i ++ ]>>=1 );
int length (const bignum_t a ){
int t ,ret ;
for (ret = (a [0 ]- 1 )* DIGIT ,t = a [a [0 ]];t ;t /=10 ,ret ++ );
return ret > 0 ?ret :1 ;
int digit (const bignum_t a ,const int b ){
int i ,ret ;
for (ret = a [(b - 1 )/DIGIT + 1 ],i = (b - 1 )%DIGIT ;i ;ret /=10 ,i -- );
return ret %10 ;
int zeronum (const bignum_t a ){
int ret ,t ;
for (ret = 0 ;!a [ret + 1 ];ret ++ );
for (t = a [ret + 1 ],ret *=DIGIT ;!(t %10 );t /=10 ,ret ++ );
return ret ;
void comp (int * a ,const int l ,const int h ,const int d ){
int i ,j ,t ;
for (i = l ;i <=h ;i ++ )
for (t = i ,j = 2 ;t > 1 ;j ++ )
while (!(t %j ))
a [j ]+= d ,t /=j ;
void convert (int * a ,const int h ,bignum_t b ){
int i ,j ,t = 1 ;
memset (b ,0 ,sizeof (bignum_t ));
for (b [0 ]= b [1 ]= 1 ,i = 2 ;i <=h ;i ++ )
if (a [i ])
for (j = a [i ];j ;t *=i ,j -- )
if (t * i > DEPTH )
mul (b ,t ),t = 1 ;
mul (b ,t );
void combination (bignum_t a ,int m ,int n ){
int * t = new int [m + 1 ];
memset ((void * )t ,0 ,sizeof (int )* (m + 1 ));
comp (t ,n + 1 ,m ,1 );
comp (t ,2 ,m - n ,-1 );
convert (t ,m ,a );
delete []t ;
void permutation (bignum_t a ,int m ,int n ){
int i ,t = 1 ;
memset (a ,0 ,sizeof (bignum_t ));
a [0 ]= a [1 ]= 1 ;
for (i = m - n + 1 ;i <=m ;t *=i ++ )
if (t * i > DEPTH )
mul (a ,t ),t = 1 ;
mul (a ,t );
14. 并查集
int father [15 ];
void makeSet (){
for (inti = 0 ;i <= n ;i ++ ){
father [i ] = i ;
int findSet (int x ){
if (x != father [x ]){
father [x ] = findSet (father [x ]);
returnfather [x ];
void unionSet (int x ,int y ){
x = findSet (x );
y = findSet (y );
father [x ] = y ;
15. 状态压缩
*状态压缩法求阶乘,虽然可以求但这只是状态压缩恰好的一个性质 它主要用在动态规划中
*注释里的是f[13] = f[12] + f[5] + f[9] 的工作过程,t -= t & -t 就是将最开始的t的每位1取出来,取
*出来的那位1和原来的值t异或就把那位1变成0了,有点别扭 :(
long long f [1 <<20 ] = {};
f [0 ] = 1 ;//f[2^0 - 1] = f[0] = 1 (0的阶乘为1)
for (int i = 1 ;i < (1 <<n );i ++ ){// 1 到 2^n - 1
for (int t = i ; t > 0 ; t -= (t & - t )){
//f(01101) = f(00101) + f(01001) + f(01100)
//1 t = 13
//2 13 -= 1
//3 12 -= 4
//4 8 -= 8
f [i ] += f [i ^ (t & - t )];//将某些位变为0 计算和
//1 f[(01101) ^ (01101 & 10011)] = f[01100]
//2 f[(01101) ^ (01100 & 10100)] = f[01001]
//3 f[(01101) ^ (01000 & 11000)] = f[00101]
// n! = f[(1<<n)-1]
16. 树状数组
*A[] C[]都是从1开始的 在build之前C[]初始化为0
int lowbit (int x ){
return x & (x ^(x - 1 ));//这一步是把x的二进制表示中的最低位1取出来
//x = ***100
//x-1 = ***011
//x ^ (x-1) = 000111
//x & (x ^ (x-1)) = 000100
//return x&(-x);//另一种写法
//x = ***100
//-x = ---011 + 1 = ---100;
//x&-x = 000100;
void add (int i ,int v ,int upper ){//对A[i]进行加v操作 同时更新C
//对A[i]的更新直接不要放在这里 因为build也要调用该函数
while (i <= upper ){
C [i ] += v ; i += lowbit (i );
void build (int begin ,int end ){//根据A[begin]到A[end]构建树状数组
while (begin <= end ){
add (begin ,A [begin ],end );
int sum (int i ){//求前n项和
int sum = 0 ;
while (i >= 1 ){
sum += C [i ]; i -= lowbit (i );
return sum ;
int lowbit (int x ){
return x & (x ^(x - 1 ));
void add (int i ,int j ,int v ,int upper ){//增加
int t_i ,t_j ;
for (t_i = i ;t_i <= upper ;t_i += lowbit (t_i )){
for (t_j = j ;t_j <= upper ;t_j += lowbit (t_j )){
C [t_i ][t_j ] += v ;
int query (int i ,int j ){//查询
int sum = 0 ,t_i ,t_j ;
for (t_i = i ;t_i > 0 ;t_i -= lowbit (t_i )){
for (t_j = j ;t_j > 0 ;t_j -= lowbit (t_j )){
sum += C [t_i ][t_j ];
return sum ;
17. 线段树
#define MAX 100000
struct node {
int left ,right ;
long long sum ,weight ;
}tree [MAX ];
int A [MAX ];//MAX_n
void build (int i ,int a ,int b ){//构建线段树 i为层数 初始为1 ,传入区间[a,b]
//tree[i].left tree[i].right为节点i的左右边界
if (a != b ){
tree [i ].left = a ;tree [i ].right = b ;
build (i <<1 ,a ,(a + b )>>1 );//递归构造左子树
build ((i <<1 )+ 1 ,((a + b )>>1 )+ 1 ,b );//递归构造右子树
tree [i ].sum = tree [i <<1 ].sum + tree [(i <<1 )+ 1 ].sum ;//回溯 左右子树的和等于父节点
else {
tree [i ].left = tree [i ].right = a ;
tree [i ].sum = A [a ];//A[]为输入的数组
return ;
tree [i ].weight = 0 ;
int add (int i ,int a ,int b ,int v ){//将某个区间的所有值加上v
if (tree [i ].left == a && tree [i ].right == b ){
tree [i ].weight += v ;//将这个值保存而不是直接累加
//查询的时候再进行更新 节省时间开销
return 1 ;
else {
tree [i ].sum += v * (b - a + 1 );
int mid = (tree [i ].left + tree [i ].right ) >> 1 ;
if (a <= mid && b > mid ){
add (i <<1 ,a ,mid ,v );
add ((i <<1 )+ 1 ,mid + 1 ,b ,v );
else {
add ((i <<1 )+ (b <=mid ?0 :1 ),a ,b ,v );
return 1 ;
long long query (int i ,int a ,int b ){//查询某个区间的所有值的和
int mid = (tree [i ].left + tree [i ].right ) >> 1 ;
if (tree [i ].left == a && tree [i ].right == b ){
return tree [i ].sum + (tree [i ].right - tree [i ].left + 1 )* tree [i ].weight ;
else if (tree [i ].weight != 0 ){
tree [i ].sum += (tree [i ].right - tree [i ].left + 1 )* tree [i ].weight ;//首先更新自己
tree [i <<1 ].weight += tree [i ].weight ;//然后传递给左右子树
tree [(i <<1 )+ 1 ].weight += tree [i ].weight ;
tree [i ].weight = 0 ;//自身清零
if (a <= mid && b > mid ){
return query (i <<1 ,a ,mid ) + query ((i <<1 )+ 1 ,mid + 1 ,b );
return query ((i <<1 ) + (b <=mid ?0 :1 ),a ,b );
#define MAX 1500
vector < double > x ;
vector < double > y ;//用于离散化
struct y_node {
int left ,right ;
double len ;//被覆盖的区间长度
struct x_node {
int left ,right ;
double area ;//被覆盖的面积
struct y_node sub [MAX ];
}tree [MAX ];
void buildSub (int i ,int j ,int yl ,int yr ){
tree [i ].sub [j ].left = yl ;
tree [i ].sub [j ].right = yr ;
tree [i ].sub [j ].len = 0 ;
if (yr - yl == 1 ){
return ;
buildSub (i ,j <<1 ,yl ,(yl + yr )>>1 );
buildSub (i ,(j <<1 )+ 1 ,((yl + yr )>>1 ),yr );//最小元是个线段所以不加1
void build (int i ,int xl ,int xr ,int ylm ,int yrm ){
tree [i ].left = xl ;tree [i ].right = xr ;tree [i ].area = 0 ;
if (xr - xl == 1 ){
buildSub (i ,1 ,ylm ,yrm );//建立子树 只对叶子节点建立子树
return ;
build (i <<1 ,xl ,(xl + xr )>>1 ,ylm ,yrm );
build ((i <<1 )+ 1 ,((xl + xr )>>1 ),xr ,ylm ,yrm );
void addSub (int i ,int j ,int yl ,int yr ){
if (tree [i ].sub [j ].left == yl && tree [i ].sub [j ].right == yr ){
tree [i ].sub [j ].len = y [tree [i ].sub [j ].right ] - y [tree [i ].sub [j ].left ];
return ;
int mid = (tree [i ].sub [j ].left + tree [i ].sub [j ].right )>>1 ;
if (yl < mid && yr > mid ){
addSub (i ,(j <<1 ),yl ,mid );
addSub (i ,(j <<1 )+ 1 ,mid ,yr );
else {
addSub (i ,(j <<1 )+ ((yl >= mid )?1 :0 ),yl ,yr );
tree [i ].sub [j ].len = mymax (tree [i ].sub [j ].len ,tree [i ].sub [(j <<1 )].len + tree [i ].sub [(j <<1 )+ 1 ].len );
void add (int i ,int xl ,int xr ,int yl ,int yr ){//
if (tree [i ].right - tree [i ].left == 1 ){//元区间
addSub (i ,1 ,yl ,yr );//对y坐标加边 并计算长度
tree [i ].area = tree [i ].sub [1 ].len * (x [xr ]- x [xl ]);//计算面积
return ;
int mid = (tree [i ].left + tree [i ].right )>>1 ;
if (xl < mid && xr > mid ){
add ((i <<1 ),xl ,mid ,yl ,yr );
add ((i <<1 )+ 1 ,mid ,xr ,yl ,yr );
else {
add ((i <<1 )+ ((xl >= mid )?1 :0 ),xl ,xr ,yl ,yr );
tree [i ].area = tree [(i <<1 )].area + tree [(i <<1 )+ 1 ].area ;
double querySub (int i ,int j ,int ya ,int yb ){
if (tree [i ].sub [j ].left == ya && tree [i ].sub [j ].right == yb ){
return tree [i ].sub [j ].len ;
else {
//do something
int mid = (ya + yb )>>1 ;
if (ya <= mid && yb > mid ){
return querySub (i ,j <<1 ,ya ,mid ) + querySub (i ,(j <<1 )+ 1 ,mid ,yb );
else return querySub (i ,(j <<1 )+ (yb <=mid ?0 :1 ),ya ,yb );
double query (int i ,int xa ,int xb ,int ya ,int yb ){
if (tree [i ].left == xa && tree [i ].right == xb ){
return tree [i ].area ;
else {
//do something
int mid = (xa + xb )>>1 ;
if (xa <= mid && xb > mid ){
return query (i <<1 ,xa ,mid ,ya ,yb ) + query ((i <<1 )+ 1 ,mid ,xb ,ya ,yb );
else return query ((i <<1 )+ (xb <=mid ?0 :1 ),xa ,xb ,ya ,yb );
sort (x .begin (),x .end ());
sort (y .begin (),y .end ());//排序之后去重
x .resize (unique (x .begin (),x .end ()) - x .begin ());
y .resize (unique (y .begin (),y .end ()) - y .begin ());
18. Trie树
*trie树,hash的方式,用空间换时间 注意别忘了创建根节点
#define MAX 256 //每个节点可能有多少个孩子
struct node {
int used ;//标记是否有对应的字母
struct node * next [MAX ];
void create (struct node * t ){
for (int i = 0 ;i < MAX ;i ++ ){
t -> next [i ] = new struct node ;
void trieInsert (struct node * curr ,const char * str ,const int len ){
for (int i = 0 ;i < len ;i ++ ){
int index = (int )str [i ];
if (curr -> next [index ]-> used == 0 ){//没有这个字母
curr -> next [index ]-> used = 1 ;
create (curr -> next [index ]);//创建它的孩子
curr = curr -> next [index ];
///do something
19. 矩阵
typedef double dataType ;
struct matrix {
dataType mat [2 ][2 ];
matrix (){memset (mat ,0 ,sizeof (mat ));}//初始化为0
matrix (double v1 ,double v2 ,double v3 ,double v4 ){mat [0 ][0 ] = v1 ;mat [0 ][1 ] = v2 ;mat [1 ][0 ] = v3 ;mat [1 ][1 ]= v4 ;}
matrix operator * (const matrix & b ){
matrix rs ;
for (int i = 0 ;i < 2 ;i ++ ){
for (int k = 0 ;k < 2 ;k ++ ){
for (int j = 0 ;j < 2 ;j ++ ){
rs .mat [i ][j ] += mat [i ][k ]* b .mat [k ][j ];
return rs ;
matrix fastPower (matrix a ,int po ){
matrix rs (1 ,0 ,0 ,1 );//初始化为1
while (po ){
if (po & 1 ){rs = rs * a ;}
a = a * a ;po = (po >>1 );
return rs ;
20. 精度处理
*返回0表示x==0,-1表示x < 0, 1表示x大于0
*complf(a-b) == 0, a == b 或者 fabs(a-b) < eps
*complf(a-b) != 0, a != b 或者 fabs(a-b) > eps
*complf(a-b) < 0, a < b 或者 a - b < -eps
*complf(a-b) > 0, a > b 或者 a - b > eps
*complf(a-b) <= 0, a <= b 或者 a - b < eps
*complf(a-b) >= 0, a >= b 或者 a - b > -eps
#define eps 1e-8
int complf (double x ){ return x < - eps ?-1 :((x < eps )?0 :1 );}
21. 动态规划
*0-1 背包 (二维实现,可以优化到一维)
dp [n + 1 ][v + 1 ];
memset (dp [0 ],0 ,sizeof (int )* (v + 1 ));//不放任何对象时,不管背包容量多少的价值都是0
for (i = 1 ;i <= n ;i ++ ){//从第一个对象开始
//处理第i 个对象,在当前背包容量为j的时候选还是不选这个对象
for (j = 0 ;j <= v ;j ++ ){//枚举每个容量
if (volume [i ] > j ){//这个对象肯定是不能放在容量为j的背包里的
//如果j < volume[i],相减之后就小于0了
dp [i ][j ] = dp [i - 1 ][j ];
else {//如果体积刚好等于剩余的容量也不一定会被放进去
dp [i ][j ] = mymax (dp [i - 1 ][j ],dp [i - 1 ][j - volume [i ]]+ weight [i ]);
}//结果保存在 dp[n][v]中,即对前n个对象做出取舍后的最优解
22. 素数生成
*筛法求素数 筛法求素数,找到[1,MAXL]的所有素数
#define MAXL 100000
#define MAXC 50000
bool not_prime [MAXL + 1 ];//用于判断是否被筛掉 2的倍数都会被筛掉,但是没有标记
int primeTable [MAXC ];//保存素数
long long getPrime (){
long long i ,j ,step ,prime_num = 1 ;
not_prime [0 ] = not_prime [1 ] = true;
primeTable [0 ] = 2 ;//第一个素数是2
for (i = 3 ;i <= MAXL ;i += 2 ){
if (not_prime [i ] == false){
primeTable [prime_num ++ ] = i ;
for (j = i * i ,step = 2 * i ;j <= MAXL ;j += step ){not_prime [j ] = true;}
return prime_num ;
23. 素数测试
*Miller-Rabin 素数测试
*随机选取s个基 出错的概率至多为 1/(2^s),50已经足够了
*快速幂取模 返回 a^n mod m
long long exp_mod (long long a ,long long n ,long long m ){
//x*y mod m = ((x%m) * (y%m))%m
if (n == 1 )
return a % m ;
else if (n == 0 )
return 1 ;
if (n & 1 ){//奇数 a^n = (a^(n-1))*a
return ((a %m )* exp_mod (a ,n - 1 ,m )) % m ;
else {//偶数 a^n = (a^(n>>1))^2
long long t = exp_mod (a ,n >>1 ,m ) % m ;
return t * t %m ;
int witness (int a ,int n ){
//a^(n-1) = 1 (mod n)
int t = 0 ,u = n - 1 ;
while (!(u & 1 )){t ++ ; u = (u >>1 );}// n - 1 = u*(2^t)
long long x [2 ]; x [0 ] = x [1 ] = exp_mod (a ,u ,n );
for (int i = 1 ;i <= t ;i ++ ){
x [1 ] = x [0 ]* x [0 ]%n ;
if (x [1 ] == 1 && x [0 ] != 1 && x [0 ] != (n - 1 )){
return 1 ;//检测到一个非平凡平方根
x [0 ] = x [1 ];
if (x [1 ] != 1 ) return 1 ;
return 0 ;
int millerRabin (int n ,int s = 50 ){
if (n == 2 ) return 1 ;
else if (!(n & 1 )) return 0 ;
for (int i = 0 ;i < s ;i ++ ){
int a = (int )((rand ()* 1.0 /RAND_MAX )* (n - 2 )) + 1 ;
if (witness (a ,n )){
//a^(n-1) = 1 (mod n) 如果n为素数,那么对于a(1<=a<=n-1)都满足这个等式
return 0 ;//基数a是n为合数的证据
return 1 ;//几乎可以确定n是个素数
24. 最大公约数/最小公倍数
*最大公约数 gcd
*最小公倍数 lcm = a*b/gcd(a,b)
int gcd (int a ,int b ){
return b ? gcd ( b ,a % b ) : a ;
int lcm (int a ,int b ){
return a /gcd (a ,b )* b ;
*传参的时候注意a >= b
typedef long long int64 ;
int64 binaryGcd (int64 a ,int64 b ){
if (a == b ) return a ;
if ((a & 1 ) && (b & 1 )){
return binaryGcd (a - b ,b );
else if ((a & 1 ) == 0 && (b & 1 ) == 0 ){
return 2 * binaryGcd (a >>1 ,b >>1 );
else if ((a & 1 )){
return binaryGcd (a ,b >>1 );
return binaryGcd (mymax (a >>1 ,b ),mymin (a >>1 ,b ));
25. 欧拉 phi 函数
*欧拉phi函数 返回小于x且与x互质的数的个数
int euler_phi (int x ){
int a = ceill (sqrt (x )),i ,rs = x ;
for (i = 2 ;i <= a ;i ++ ){
if (x % i == 0 ){
rs -= rs /i ;//减去 在这rs个元素中有i因子的 数 的个数
while (x % i == 0 ){x /= i ;}//将x中含有i因子的数去掉
if (x == 1 )break ;//x已经到1了
if (x != 1 ) {rs -= (rs / x );}
return rs ;
26. 快速幂取模
*快速幂取模 返回 a^n mod m
int exp_mod (int a ,int n ,int m ){
//x*y mod m = ((x%m) * (y%m))%m
if (n == 1 )
return a % m ;
else if (n == 0 )
return 1 % m ;
if (n & 1 ){//奇数 a^n = (a^(n-1))*a
return ((a %m )* exp_mod (a ,n - 1 ,m )) % m ;
else {//偶数 a^n = (a^(n>>1))^2
long long t = exp_mod (a ,n >>1 ,m ) % m ;
return t * t %m ;
27. 扩展欧几里得
*扩展欧几里德 ax+by = gcd(a,b) 解出x,y
long long extendedEuclid (long long a ,long long b ,long long & x ,long long & y ){
if (b == 0 ){
x = 1 ; y = 0 ; return a ;
else {
long long gcd ,x1 ,y1 ;
gcd = extendedEuclid (b ,a %b ,x1 ,y1 );
x = y1 ; y = x1 - (a /b )* y1 ;
return gcd ;
28. 梅森素数
*扩展欧几里德 ax+by = gcd(a,b) 解出x,y
long long extendedEuclid (long long a ,long long b ,long long & x ,long long & y ){
if (b == 0 ){
x = 1 ; y = 0 ; return a ;
else {
long long gcd ,x1 ,y1 ;
gcd = extenedEuclid (b ,a %b ,x1 ,y1 );
x = y1 ; y = x1 - (a /b )* y1 ;
return gcd ;
29. 最大流
*最大流 传入源点 汇点和顶点数
*graph[u][v]为u到v的剩余流量 (residual flow)
#define INF 1000000000
#define MAX 100
int Edmonds_Karp (int source , int sink , int vertex_num ){
int maxFlow = 0 ;
while (true) {
int head , tail , pre_of [MAX ], my_queue [MAX ];
head = tail = 0 ;//初始化队列
my_queue [tail ++ ] = source ;//放入源点
memset (pre_of , -1 , sizeof (pre_of ));////(pre_of[v],v) 代表边(u,v)
while (head < tail ){
int u = my_queue [head ++ ];
for (int v = 1 ; v <= vertex_num ; v ++ ) {//也可以从0开始
if (pre_of [v ] == -1 && graph [u ][v ] > 0 ){
my_queue [tail ++ ] = v ;/*入队*/
pre_of [v ] = u ;/*保存这条边*/
if (u == sink ) break ;
if (pre_of [sink ] != -1 ) break ; //找到增广路径
if (pre_of [sink ] == -1 ) break ;//没有增广路径
int min_flow = INF ;
for (int v = sink ; v != source ; v = pre_of [v ]) {
min_flow = mymin (min_flow , graph [pre_of [v ]][v ]);
maxFlow += min_flow ;
for (int v = sink ; v != source ; v = pre_of [v ]) {//更新流网络
graph [pre_of [v ]][v ] -= min_flow ;
graph [v ][pre_of [v ]] += min_flow ;
return maxFlow ;
typedef struct {
int v , next , val ;
} edge ;
const int MAXN = 20010 ;
const int MAXM = 500010 ;
edge e [MAXM ];
int p [MAXN ], eid ;
inline void init () {
memset (p , -1 , sizeof (p ));
eid = 0 ;
inline void insert1 (int from , int to , int val ) {
e [eid ].v = to ;
e [eid ].val = val ;
e [eid ].next = p [from ];
p [from ] = eid ++ ;
swap (from , to );
e [eid ].v = to ;
e [eid ].val = 0 ;
e [eid ].next = p [from ];
p [from ] = eid ++ ;
inline void insert2 (int from , int to , int val ) {
e [eid ].v = to ;
e [eid ].val = val ;
e [eid ].next = p [from ];
p [from ] = eid ++ ;
swap (from , to );
e [eid ].v = to ;
e [eid ].val = val ;
e [eid ].next = p [from ];
p [from ] = eid ++ ;
int n , m ; //n为点数 m为边数
int h [MAXN ];
int gap [MAXN ];
int source , sink ;
inline int dfs (int pos , int cost ) {
if (pos == sink ) {
return cost ;
int j , minh = n - 1 , lv = cost , d ;
for (j = p [pos ]; j != -1 ; j = e [j ].next ) {
int v = e [j ].v , val = e [j ].val ;
if (val > 0 ) {
if (h [v ] + 1 == h [pos ]) {
if (lv < e [j ].val ) {
d = lv ;
} else {
d = e [j ].val ;
d = dfs (v , d );
e [j ].val -= d ;
e [j ^ 1 ].val += d ;
lv -= d ;
if (h [source ] >= n ) {
return cost - lv ;
if (lv == 0 ) {
break ;
if (h [v ] < minh ) {
minh = h [v ];
if (lv == cost ) {
-- gap [h [pos ]];
if (gap [h [pos ]] == 0 ) {
h [source ] = n ;
h [pos ] = minh + 1 ;
++ gap [h [pos ]];
return cost - lv ;
int sap (int st , int ed ) {
source = st ;
sink = ed ;
int ret = 0 ;
memset (gap , 0 , sizeof (gap ));
memset (h , 0 , sizeof (h ));
//gap[st] = n;
gap [0 ] = n ;
while (h [st ] < n ) {
ret += dfs (st , INT_MAX );
return ret ;
30. 最短路
#define INF 1000000000
#define MAX 50010//最大的点数,根据题目
struct node {int u ,v ,weight ,next ;}edge [10 * MAX ];//边数一般比点数多
int head [MAX ];int count = 0 ;
void add (int u ,int v ,int c ){//邻接表的加边操作
edge [count ].u = u ;edge [count ].v = v ;edge [count ].weight = c ;
edge [count ].next = head [u ];head [u ] = count ++ ;
int SPFA (int ll ,int rr ){
int d [MAX ];for (int i = ll ;i <= rr ;i ++ ){d [i ] = - INF ;}d [ll ] = 0 ;
queue < int > my_queue ;my_queue .push (ll );//放入起点
bool in_queue [MAX ] = {};//用于判断某点当前是否在队列中
while (!my_queue .empty ()){
int start = my_queue .front ();my_queue .pop ();
in_queue [start ] = false;//拿出来了 所以不在队列中了
for (int i = head [start ]; i != -1 ; i = edge [i ].next ){
int u = edge [i ].u ,v = edge [i ].v ,weight_of_uv = edge [i ].weight ;
if (d [v ] < d [u ] + weight_of_uv ){
d [v ] = d [u ] + weight_of_uv ;
if (!in_queue [v ]){
my_queue .push (v );
in_queue [v ] = true;//标记为在队列中
return d [rr ];//根据具体情况返回一个结果
/* *
*如果只计算源点到单个目的点的最短路,需将flag标记为1 并传入目的点
#define MAX 1100
#define INF 1000000000
struct node {
int u,v,w,next;// 顶点结构体
}edge[100100 ];
int head[MAX],countt=0 ;// 每次都要初始化
void add (int u,int v,int w){// 加边
edge[countt].u = u;
edge[countt].v = v;
edge[countt].w = w;
edge[countt].next = head[u];head[u] = countt++;
struct node2 {
int ver,dist; // 顶点和dist[ver]
node2 (int v,int d){ver = v;dist = d;}
bool operator > (const node2 &a,const node2 &b){
// 重载优先队列的 > 运算符
if (a.dist > b.dist )return true ;
return false ;
bool operator < (const node2 &a,const node2 &b){
// 重载优先队列的 < 运算符
if (a.dist < b.dist )return true ;
return false ;
int dijkstra (int source,int vertex_num,int end=-1 ,int flag=0 ){
int dist[MAX];
// 优先队列(小根,top为最小值)
priority_queue<node2,vector<node2>,greater<node2> > my;
for (int i = 1 ;i <= vertex_num;i++){
dist[i] = INF;
}dist[source] = 0 ;
my.push (node2 (source,0 ));// 放入源点
int pre_of[MAX]; memset (pre_of,-1 ,sizeof (pre_of));
while (!my.empty ()){
node2 u = ();my.pop ();
if (flag && u.ver == end){return dist[u.ver ];}
if (dist[u.ver ] == INF) break ;// 肯定没有更小的
for (int i = head[u.ver ];i != -1 ;i = edge[i].next ){
int v = edge[i].v ,w = edge[i].w ;
if (dist[v] > dist[u.ver ] + w){
dist[v] = dist[u.ver ] + w;
pre_of[v] = u.ver ;// 保存路径
my.push (node2 (v,dist[v]));
// /dist[i]保存的是源点到所有i点的最短距离
return 1 ;
31. 最小生成树
#define MAX 1000
struct node {int u ,v ,cost ;}array [MAX * MAX ];
int edge_count ;//边的数量
int father [MAX ];
void makeSet (int n ){
for (int i = 1 ;i <= n ;i ++ ){
father [i ] = i ;
int find (int x ){
if (father [x ] != x ){
return father [x ] = find (father [x ]);
return father [x ];
void unionSet (int x ,int y ){
father [find (x )] = find (y );
int kruskal (){
int total_cost = 0 ;//总花费
pseudocode: sort (array ,array + edge_count );
for (int i = 0 ;i < edge_count ;i ++ ){
if (find (array [i ].u )== find (array [i ].v )){
continue ;
total_cost += array [i ].cost ;
unionSet (array [i ].u ,array [i ].v );
return total_cost ;
31. 有向图的强连通分量
*Tarjan algorithm for strongly connected component
int dfs_order [MAX ], lowest [MAX ];
int my_stack [MAX ],visited [MAX ],in_stack [MAX ];
int mark_num ,top ;
struct node {
int u ,v ,next ;
}edge [MAX * 5 ];
void tarjan_scc (int u ){
dfs_order [u ] = lowest [u ] = mark_num ++ ;
my_stack [top ++ ] = u ;visited [u ] = 1 ;in_stack [u ] = 1 ;
for (int i = head [u ];i != -1 ;i = edge [i ].next ){
int v = edge [i ].v ;
if (!visited [v ]){
tarjan_scc (v );
lowest [u ] = mymin (lowest [u ],lowest [v ]);
else if (in_stack [v ]){
lowest [u ] = mymin (lowest [u ],dfs_order [v ]);
if (dfs_order [u ] == lowest [u ]){
int p ;
do {
p = my_stack [-- top ];in_stack [p ] = 0 ;
}while (u != p );
32. 无向图的双连通分量
*Tarjan algorithm for strongly connected component
int dfs_order [MAX ], lowest [MAX ];
int my_stack [MAX ],visited [MAX ],in_stack [MAX ];
int mark_num ,top ;
struct node {
int u ,v ,next ;
}edge [MAX * 5 ];
void tarjan_scc (int u ){
dfs_order [u ] = lowest [u ] = mark_num ++ ;
my_stack [top ++ ] = u ;visited [u ] = 1 ;in_stack [u ] = 1 ;
for (int i = head [u ];i != -1 ;i = edge [i ].next ){
int v = edge [i ].v ;
if (!visited [v ]){
tarjan_scc (v );
lowest [u ] = mymin (lowest [u ],lowest [v ]);
else if (in_stack [v ]){
lowest [u ] = mymin (lowest [u ],dfs_order [v ]);
if (dfs_order [u ] == lowest [u ]){
int p ;
do {
p = my_stack [-- top ];in_stack [p ] = 0 ;
}while (u != p );
33. 二分图的最大匹配
*注意要给nx ny赋值
#define MAX 510
int nx ,ny ,graph [MAX ][MAX ],sy [MAX ],cx [MAX ],cy [MAX ];
int path (int u ){
for (int v = 1 ; v <= ny ;v ++ ){
if (graph [u ][v ] && !sy [v ]){
sy [v ] = 1 ;
if (!cy [v ] || path (cy [v ])){
cx [u ] = v ; cy [v ] = u ;
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
int maximumMatch (){
int i ,ret = 0 ;
memset (cx ,0 ,sizeof (cx ));
memset (cy ,0 ,sizeof (cy ));
for (i = 1 ;i <= nx ;i ++ ){
if (!cx [i ]){//
memset (sy ,0 ,sizeof (sy ));
ret += path (i );
return ret ;
34. 叉积/点与线段/线段与线段
struct point {double x ,y ;};
struct segment {point a ,b ;};
*cross product
*(p2-p1) X (q2-q1) -> aXb
*(p2.x-p1.x,p2.y-p1.y) X (q2.x-q1.x,q2.y - q1.y)
*结果大于0说明 b到a为顺时针 等于0说明a b共线 小于0说明b到a为逆时针
double crossProduct (const point & p1 , const point & p2 ,const point & q1 ,const point & q2 ){
return (p2 .x - p1 .x )* (q2 .y - q1 .y ) - (p2 .y - p1 .y )* (q2 .x - q1 .x );
int onSegment (const point & p , const point & q1 , const point & q2 ){
double rs = crossProduct (q1 ,p ,q2 ,p );
if (complf (rs ) == 0 ){
if (p .x <= mymax (q1 .x ,q2 .x ) && p .x >= mymin (q1 .x ,q2 .x )
&& p .y <= mymax (q1 .y ,q2 .y ) && p .y >= mymin (q1 .y ,q2 .y )){
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
int onSegment (const point & p ,const segment & s ){
double rs = crossProduct (s .a ,p ,s .b ,p );
if (rs >= 0 && rs < eps ){
if (p .x <= mymax (s .a .x ,s .b .x ) && p .x >= mymin (s .a .x ,s .b .x )
&& p .y <= mymax (s .a .y ,s .b .y ) && p .y >= mymin (s .a .y ,s .b .y )){
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
int intersect (const segment & s1 , const segment & s2 ){
if (onSegment (s1 .a ,s2 )
|| onSegment (s1 .b ,s2 )
|| onSegment (s2 .a ,s1 )
|| onSegment (s2 .b ,s1 )){
return 1 ;
if (crossProduct (s1 .a ,s1 .b ,s1 .a ,s2 .a )* crossProduct (s1 .a ,s1 .b ,s1 .a ,s2 .b ) < 0
&& crossProduct (s2 .a ,s2 .b ,s2 .a ,s1 .a )* crossProduct (s2 .a ,s2 .b ,s2 .a ,s1 .b ) < 0 ){
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
35. 组合
*组合 从a个数中选b个的选法C(a,b)
long long combination ( long long a ,long long b )
long long i ,sum = 1 ;
if ( a - b < b ) b = a - b ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < b ; i ++ ){
sum *= ( a - i ); sum /=i + 1 ;
return sum ;
36. Catalan Number
*网上找的模板 验证过前一百的catalan数
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std ;
#define MAXN 9999
#define DLEN 4
class BigNum {
int a [300 ];//DLEN digs for a position
int len ;
BigNum (){len = 1 ;memset (a ,0 ,sizeof (a ));}
BigNum (const int b );
BigNum (const BigNum & T );
bool Bigger (const BigNum & ) const ;
BigNum & operator = (const BigNum & );
BigNum & Add (const BigNum & );
BigNum & Sub (const BigNum & );
BigNum operator + (const BigNum & ) const ;
BigNum operator - (const BigNum & ) const ;
BigNum operator * (const BigNum & ) const ;
BigNum operator /(const int & ) const ;
void Print ();
BigNum::BigNum (const int b )
int c ,d = b ; len = 0 ;
memset (a ,0 ,sizeof (a ));
while (d > MAXN ){
c = d - d / (MAXN + 1 ) * (MAXN + 1 );
d = d / (MAXN + 1 );
a [len ++ ] = c ;
}a [len ++ ] = d ;
BigNum::BigNum (const BigNum & T ) : len (T .len )
int i ; memset (a ,0 ,sizeof (a ));
for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i ++ ) a [i ] = T .a [i ];
bool BigNum ::Bigger (const BigNum & T ) const
int ln ;
if (len > T .len ) return true;
else if (len == T .len ){
ln = len - 1 ;
while (a [ln ] == T .a [ln ] && ln >= 0 ) ln -- ;
if (ln >= 0 && a [ln ] > T .a [ln ]) return true;
else return false;
else return false;
BigNum & BigNum ::operator = (const BigNum & n )
len = n .len ; memset (a ,0 ,sizeof (a ));
for (int i = 0 ; i < len ; i ++ )
a [i ] = n .a [i ];
return * this ;
BigNum & BigNum ::Add (const BigNum & T )
int i ,big ;
big = T .len > len ? T .len : len ;
for (i = 0 ; i < big ; i ++ ){
a [i ] = a [i ] + T .a [i ];
if (a [i ] > MAXN ){
a [i + 1 ]++ ;
a [i ] = a [i ] - MAXN - 1 ;
if (a [big ] != 0 ) len = big + 1 ;
else len = big ;
return * this ;
BigNum & BigNum ::Sub (const BigNum & T )
int i ,j ,big ;
big = T .len > len ? T .len : len ;
for (i = 0 ; i < big ; i ++ ){
if (a [i ] < T .a [i ]){
j = i + 1 ;
while (a [j ] == 0 ) j ++ ;
a [j -- ]-- ;
while (j > i ) a [j -- ] += MAXN ;
a [i ] = a [i ] + MAXN + 1 - T .a [i ];
else a [i ] -= T .a [i ];
len = big ;
while (a [len - 1 ] == 0 && len > 1 ) len -- ;
return * this ;
BigNum BigNum ::operator + (const BigNum & n ) const
BigNum a = * this ; a .Add (n );
return a ;
BigNum BigNum ::operator - (const BigNum & T ) const
BigNum b = * this ;b .Sub (T );
return b ;
BigNum BigNum ::operator * (const BigNum & T ) const
BigNum ret ;
int i ,j ,up ;
int temp ,temp1 ;
for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i ++ ){
up = 0 ;
for (j = 0 ; j < T .len ; j ++ ){
temp = a [i ] * T .a [j ] + ret .a [i + j ] + up ;
if (temp > MAXN ){
temp1 = temp - temp / (MAXN + 1 ) * (MAXN + 1 );
up = temp / (MAXN + 1 );
ret .a [i + j ] = temp1 ;
else {
up = 0 ;
ret .a [i + j ] = temp ;
if (up != 0 )
ret .a [i + j ] = up ;
ret .len = i + j ;
while (ret .a [ret .len - 1 ] == 0 && ret .len > 1 ) ret .len -- ;
return ret ;
BigNum BigNum ::operator /(const int & b ) const
BigNum ret ;
int i ,down = 0 ;
for (i = len - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ){
ret .a [i ] = (a [i ] + down * (MAXN + 1 )) / b ;
down = a [i ] + down * (MAXN + 1 ) - ret .a [i ] * b ;
ret .len = len ;
while (ret .a [ret .len - 1 ] == 0 ) ret .len -- ;
return ret ;
void BigNum ::Print ()
int i ;
cout << a [len - 1 ];
for (i = len - 2 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ){
cout .width (DLEN );
cout .fill ('0' );
cout << a [i ];
}cout << endl ;
int main (){
int i ;
BigNum s [101 ]; s [1 ]= 1 ;
for (i = 1 ;i < 100 ;i ++ ){
s [i + 1 ]= BigNum (4 * i + 2 )* (s [i ])/(i + 2 );
while (scanf ("%d" ,& i ) && i != -1 ){
s [i ].Print ();
return 0 ;
37. 通项公式
//此类方程的特征方程为 x^2 - a^x - b*1 = 0;
//假设方程的解为q1,q2 ; F[n]=c1 * q1^n + c2 * q2^n
//将f[0] ,f[1]等已知的结果代入,就可求得c1,c2