GPA Calculator v1.0
- This program can be used for calculating GPA in 4 algorithms. Including "Standard Weighted GPA Scale",
- "Standard 4.0 GPA Scale", "Canada 4.3 GPA Scale" and "Shanghai Jiao Tong University 4.3 GPA Scale". Users
- only need to choose a GPA scale, and then input their scores in percentile and points accordingly. The
- program will calculate the GPA. Users can also save the report as txt format by input Y/y in the last question.
- Thank you for your use.
- The program is used for the final homework of C++ in SNNU.
- IDE:Visual Studio 2019
- If you want to experience the program, please double click the executive file in the same directory which is
- named: GPA Calculator.exe
- If there's no GPA Calculator.exe, you may have to use visual studio which have been installed C++ core package
- to open GPA Calculator.sln,
- compile the file, then you can start your experience.
- Enjoy now !
Instructor: Honghong Yang
by Zian Gu, Xufei Bai, Zhiyu Chen, Jingwei Xu
Welcome to use GPA Calculator !
对于广大要出国留学的学生而言,GPA对于升学是一个非常重要的指标。此外在上海的大学中,期末考试成绩通常直接给出各科绩点和GPA。 本人作为上海生源的学生,也作为准备出国留学的学生,大多数朋友都在上海读大学,在期末分享成绩时由于我校教务系统给出的是百分制成绩, 并非绩点或GPA,也没有在页面换算,因此造成了诸多不便。趁大作业的机会,编写了这个GPA 计算器。 这个计算器有4种算法可以选择,包括标准加权算法、标准4.0算法、加拿大4.3算法、上海交大4.3算法。若无特殊要求,建议选择标准加权算法。 用户只需选择算法,然后输入课程名、百分制成绩和对应学分,程序将自动将百分制成绩换算为单科绩点并计算GPA。
若要运行,请双击同目录下的可执行文件GPA Calculator.exe 如果不存在GPA Calculator.exe,您需要使用已经安装并配置好C++核心功能包的visual studio来打开同目录下的GPA Calculator.sln文件, 并编译运行,生成exe文件后即可体验。
************ Welcome to GPA calculator! *************
[1]: Standard Weighted GPA Scale (Use percentile)
[2]: Standard 4.0 GPA Scale
[3]: Canada 4.3 GPA Scale
[4]: Shanghai Jiao Tong University 4.3 GPA Scale
[Q/q]: Quit
Your option: 3 Confirmed your option: 3
The total of courses: 3
Course #1: English Percentile #1: 92 Credits #1: 3
Course #2: Chinese Percentile #2: 87 Credits #2: 3
Course #3: C++ Percentile #3: 95 Credits #3: 4
************************ Result *************************
Scale: Canada 4.3 GPA Scale
Time: 0:14:25, 8/21/2020
-Courses- -Percentiles- -Credits- English 92 3 Chinese 87 3 C++ 95 4
GPA: 4.21
Do you want to save the data?[Y/N]: Y File Name: 1.txt
The data have been saved successfully!