- 5
- 3
Page numbers are displayed in outlines tab
#415 opened by mkraetke - 1
- 7
WCAG 2.2 plans?
#413 opened by msgannon - 3
Missing X server or $DISPLAY
#412 opened by CanOfBees - 7
EPUB2 can't satisfy package language requirement
#376 opened by bswest - 1
Add support to specify EPUB Accessibility and WCAG Version and Level
#390 opened by gregoriopellegrino - 0
Support for ARIA details attribute?
#411 opened by danielweck - 1
- 1
Configuration example text on website is illegible
#404 opened by martinpub - 5
MathML not accepted as valid content for th element
#398 opened by francofaa - 1
- 2
CLI outputs "GPU process exited unexpectedly"
#407 opened by nverwer - 0
Feature: Allow config overrides on command line
#409 opened by nverwer - 0
Documentation: location of config.json on Windows
#408 opened by nverwer - 3
- 0
- 0
Support for pageBreakSource property
#403 opened by mattgarrish - 0
ACE crashes
#402 opened by clapierre - 0
#401 opened by Doktorchen - 2
- 0
- 0
Context menu opening an EPUB directly with ACE
#397 opened by clapierre - 1
- 0
lang and xml:lang
#394 opened by gregoriopellegrino - 0
Ability to copy text from within app
#393 opened by flittle8 - 2
Ace Errors thrown with these accessibilityFeatures pageBreakMarkers & pageNavigation
#385 opened by clapierre - 1
Timeout Error
#360 opened by mjdunn1002 - 3
Error on multiple instances of ACE
#384 opened by thiagoeec - 3
Synchronised updating of Ace App and Ace command line
#368 opened by LaZay - 6
- 0
conformsTo can be meta plain text in a11y EPUB spec. 1.1 (was only meta link in 1.0)
#380 opened by danielweck - 1
Heading Visualization when Images are used
#381 opened by clapierre - 1
Docker image
#372 opened by josteinaj - 3
Is there a way to use it programatically?
#382 opened by michelem09 - 4
- 1
Ace is too strict, requires page list ordering relative to page breaks (should not be as strict as table of contents requirements)
#379 opened by danielweck - 3
epub-pagelist-order error
#375 opened by ptytgat - 0
Escape codes in log file
#377 opened by ThomasR128 - 6
- 1
Report when package document language not set
#371 opened by mattgarrish - 4
Deprecated Biblioentry
#374 opened by vroberts4 - 3
Reporting missing a11y metadata discouraged by Daisy
#363 opened by LaZay - 0
feature request: HTML Ace report, group related items to avoid long scroll / pagination of repeated validation errors or warnings
#367 opened by danielweck - 5
pageNavigation metadata in OPF
#364 opened by LaZay - 1
dev(internals): Electron Axe runner, migrate away from HTTP server (Express middleware / routes)
#357 opened by danielweck - 2
Ace version of Ace variant in Ace report
#362 opened by LaZay - 0
Installation as super-user fails, after workaround logging directory is missing
#361 opened by bitsgalore - 10
Evaluation failed: DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "null" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
#358 opened by siddoib - 1