
Convert a text+audio DAISY 2.02 book into a video

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Books to Videos

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Open Bugs License

Convert a synchronized text/audio book to a video displaying text and audio.

Currently supports DAISY 2.02 to MP4 video with CSS customization.


First, install nodejs, version 15.x or higher.

Then from the command prompt, install the books-to-videos package:

npm i -g @daisy/books-to-videos

To see if it was installed successfully, test it out with this command:

books-to-videos --help

If it worked, a short description should appear, along with a list of available commands.


This command:

books-to-videos convert /path/to/ncc.html /path/to/outputDirectory

Will create these files in outputDirectory:

  • Video file (MP4) of the DAISY 2.02 book
  • Video captions (VTT)
  • HTML file with the video and captions embedded in it
  • Log file of the conversion process

There are many ways to customize the output. Read on to learn more.

Video style

The text shown in the video can be customized by creating a stylesheet in CSS. In the stylesheet itself, use the classes booksToVideos-container for the whole video "container" and booksToVideos-text for the text portion. E.g.

.booksToVideos-container {    
    width: 2000px;
    height: 2000px;
    background-color: black;
.booksToVideos-text {
    font-family: Optima;
    font-weight: bold;
    color: lightblue;
    line-height: 1.6;

You can pass the stylesheet to use in on the command line or specify it in the settings file.

If you pass in a custom stylesheet, either via --stylesheet or via custom settings, it will be used in addition to the default stylesheet as well as any presets that you're using.

Command line options

Some settings can be configured via the command line. They are:

  • -c, --chapters: List of numbers, e.g. --chapters 1 2 3. Use this option to convert part of a book
  • -d, --debug: Run in debug mode
  • -e, --encoding: Force a character encoding
  • -f, --fontsizePx <number>: Value in pixels of the desired font size
  • -n, --numPreviewSlides <number>: Number of preview slides to generate, if in preview mode
  • -r, --preset <file>: Preset file (JSON). See (presets)[#presets]
  • -p, --previewMode: Only generate still images as a preview of the final output
  • -s, --settings: Custom settings file. E.g. --settings my-settings.json
  • -t, --stylesheet <file>: CSS file used for the video style. E.g. --stylesheet my-style.css
  • -v, --verbose: Turn verbose output on.
  • -z, --vttSettings: Specify caption settings
  • -h, --help: Show help

Settings on the command line override settings in a file.

Settings file

All the settings can be set via a file (JSON format). They are:

Option Allowed values Description
autosizeFont true/false Automatically determine the largest possible font size to use
chapters An array e.g. [1, 2, 3] If you don't want to convert the entire book, you may convert part of a book by specifying which chapters to include. If this value is empty ([]), the video will be created from the whole book.
debug Run in debug mode
encoding String Specify an encoding for the DAISY book. Useful for solving encoding issues.
includePageNumbers true/false Whether video output should include page numbers.
fontsizePx Number of pixels Force the fontsize to this value. If present, automatically overrides autosizeFont; therefore, this value is not present by default
maxHeight Number of pixels Maximum Chromium viewport height. There's no need to change this option. Edit the CSS for the booksToVideos-container class to change the video dimensions.
maxWidth Number of pixels Maximum Chromium viewport width. There's no need to change this option. Edit the CSS for the booksToVideos-container class to change the video dimensions.
numPreviewSlides Number of slides, or -1 How many slides to create when running in previewMode. To create all possible slides, set this option to -1.
previewMode true/false Create an HTML page with a list of slides instead of creating a video. Good for testing out styles; faster than making a video.
quiet true/false Don't output anything on the command line
reduceFontsizeBy number Reduce the autosized fontsize by this percent, e.g. 10 for 10 percent
stylesheet Filename CSS file used for the video style
verbose true/false Include extra information in the command line output
vttSettings String Specify caption settings

Default settings

    "autosizeFont": true,
    "chapters": [],
    "debug": false,
    "includePageNumbers": false,
    "maxWidth": 4000,
    "maxHeight": 4000,
    "numPreviewSlides": -1,
    "previewMode": false,
    "quiet": false,
    "stylesheet": "default.css",
    "verbose": true,
    "vttSettings": ""


In addition to the default settings, there are 3 presets that can be used. They are:

  • arabic
  • japanese
  • japanese-vertical

The presets have specific overrides to better accommodate these scripts, such as for fonts and alignments.

Use a preset on the command line:

books-to-videos convert /path/to/ncc.html /path/to/outputDirectory --preset arabic

Custom settings file

Customize any settings by creating a custom file, e.g. my-settings.json:

    "stylesheet": "vertical.css",
    "vttSettings": "align:middle position:60% vertical:rl"

It does not have to include entries for every setting, just the ones you want to customize.

Then pass the custom file on the command line:

books-to-videos convert /path/to/ncc.html /path/to/outputDirectory --settings /path/to/my-settings.json

It is also possible to use a preset and a custom settings file. In the case that the same option is specified in more than one place, the value in the custom settings file will be what is used.


Convert part of a book

If you are just converting part of a book, you can use the numbers to say which chapters you want to convert:

books-to-videos convert /path/to/book/ncc.html /path/to/outputDirectory --chapters 2 3

To get the chapter numbers, use the list-chapters command:

books-to-videos list-chapters /path/to/ncc.html

1. First chapter
2. Second chapter
3. Third chapter

Note that when processing selected chapters intead of the whole book, the fontsize will be optimized for those chapters. It may be different when the whole book is processed.


While Books-to-Videos will attempt to detect the encoding, in some cases if it is not reliably found, you may specify it with the --encoding option. One encoding may be specified for an entire publication.

Custom fonts

You may specify your own font in a custom CSS file:

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Noto+Sans+JP&display=swap');

.booksToVideos-text {
    font-family: 'Noto Sans JP', sans-serif;

Be sure to use the @import syntax rather than referring to a local file on disk via @font-face. Local font files are not supported.

Also note that the @import statement must be at the top of the CSS file, as is the standard requirement.

Font size

The video will use just one font size for all its contents. The font size is determined based on your settings.

By default, autosizeFont is enabled in the settings JSON file. To override this, set the font size you would like instead on the command line with the fontsizePx option. E.g.

books-to-videos convert /path/to/ncc.html outDirectory --fontsizePx 25

Would apply a fontsize of 25px to the video output.

Two other ways to accomplish the same result are:


  1. Create a custom configuration file with autosizeFont set to false
  2. Create a custom CSS file and include your desired fontsize there, under the class selector .booksToVideos-text

fontsizePx in settings file

  1. Create a custom settings JSON file with fontsizePx set to the value you want.
  2. Specify this custom file on the command line with the --settings parameter

Caption settings

Books-to-Videos creates a VTT captions file to accompany the video. The option --vttSettings contains settings to apply to every caption. This can be used to control the position of captions and to create vertical captions. Note that there is just one setting and it will apply to all captions. Finer-grained control for per-caption settings may be introduced in future versions if there is interest.


books-to-videos convert /path/to/ncc.html /path/to/outputDirectory --vttSettings "align:middle position:60% vertical:rl"

Results in this type of captions file:


00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:02.666 align:middle position:60% vertical:rl

00:00:02.666 --> 00:00:04.713 align:middle position:60% vertical:rl

00:00:04.713 --> 00:00:06.343 align:middle position:60% vertical:rl



Sometimes a phrase contains a very long URL and we may wish to apply custom word wrapping rules to that type of text. Books-to-videos inserts a class "url" into the text containing URLs so that it may be styled differently. E.g.

<span id="xmri_0034">https://extranet.who.int/kobe<span class="tex">_</span>centre/ja/news/COVID19<span class="tex">_</span>specialpage<span class="tex">_</span>public</span>


<span id="xmri_0034" class="url">https://extranet.who.int/kobe<span class="tex">_</span>centre/ja/news/COVID19<span class="tex">_</span>specialpage<span class="tex">_</span>public</span>

and then in the stylesheet, we have this default:

.url {
    word-break: break-all;


Use the --debug option to collect more details about program execution. The --debug option will:

  • Save a JSON model of the book to disk
  • Copy the following temp files to the output directory, in a debug subdirectory:
    • Images of each slide
    • Video clips of each slide
  • Include an HTML page for each slide, in a debug/html subdirectory. This is useful for testing different CSS approaches.

Note that the --debug option will show Chromium running and may ask you to allow incoming network connections.

Also note that the --debug option may not provide the best images, so it's only recommended to use for troubleshooting, not for the final result.


See the development notes.