
A command-line tool for the DAISY Pipeline 2 – implemented in Go

Primary LanguageGo

Command-Line Interface for the DAISY Pipeline 2 (Golang)

Build Status

How to build

  1. Install golang from the official site. If you'll be creating distributions of the cli please install from the sources

  2. Run make. The building process will an executable named "dp2" in the build/bin/ folder.

  3. Copy the default configuration file to the same directory as the binary:

     cp dp2/config.yml build/bin/

How to build and distribute using maven

In order to allow the go client play nice with the rest of the pipeline ecosystem a maven build process is provided, although right now it only works on linux and mac systems ( You should be able to make it work using cygwin though).

    mvn clean install

You can find in the target/bin directory all the binaries from windows,mac and linux platforms.



Script commands:

        zedai-to-epub3             Transforms a ZedAI (DAISY 4 XML) document into an EPUB 3 publication.
        dtbook-to-zedai             Transforms DTBook XML into ZedAI XML.
        dtbook-to-html             Transforms DTBook XML into HTML.
        nimas-fileset-validator             Validate a NIMAS Fileset. Supports inclusion of MathML.
        zedai-to-html             Transforms ZedAI XML (ANSI/NISO Z39.98-2012 Authoring and Interchange) into HTML.
        daisy3-to-epub3             Transforms a DAISY 3 publication into an EPUB 3 publication.
        html-to-epub3             Transforms an (X)HTML document into an EPUB 3 publication.
        dtbook-to-epub3             Converts multiple dtbooks to epub3 format
        daisy202-to-epub3             Transforms a DAISY 2.02 publication into an EPUB3 publication.
        dtbook-validator             Validates DTBook documents. Supports inclusion of MathML.

General commands:

        status             Returns the status of the job with id JOB_ID
        delete             Removes a job from the pipeline
        results             Stores the results from a job
        jobs             Returns the list of jobs present in the server
        log             Stores the results from a job
        halt             Stops the webservice

List of global options:                 dp2 help -g
Detailed help for a single command:     dp2 help COMMAND


Modify the settings in the file config.yml or alternatively use the global witches:

Global Options:
       --host [HOST]    Pipeline's webservice host (default http://localhost)
       --port [PORT]    Pipeline's webserivce port (default 8181)
       --exec_line_win [EXEC_LINE_WIN]  Pipeline webserivice executable path in windows systems (default )
       --debug [DEBUG]  Print debug messages. true or false.  (default false)
       --ws_path [WS_PATH]      Pipeline's webservice path, as in http://daisy.org:8181/path (default ws)
       --exec_line_nix [EXEC_LINE_NIX]  Pipeline webserivice executable path in unix-like systems (default /home/javi/bin/pipeline2)
       --client_secret [CLIENT_SECRET]  Client secrect for authenticated requests (default supersecret)
       --timeout [TIMEOUT]      Http connection timeout in seconds (default 10)
       --starting [STARTING]    Start the webservice in the local computer if it is not running. true or false (default false)
       --ws_timeup [WS_TIMEUP]  Time to wait until the webserivce starts in seconds (default 25)
       --client_key [CLIENT_KEY]        Client key for authenticated requests (default clientid)
       -f,--file [FILE]        Alternative configuration file