Tsunamis modelled using RSQSim earthquake catalogue generated from the 2022 New Zealand Community Fault Model (NZCFM)
The documents in this repository were used to undertake the tsunami hazard analysis presented in the paper: "A novel method to determine probabilistic tsunami hazard using a physics-based synthetic earthquake catalog: a New Zealand case study" Included is:
- Earthquake_Simulator - this contains a readme file that contains a link to a Zenodo Archive that documents the earthquake simulator (link: https://zenodo.org/record/8323509).
- Earthquake_Deformation - this contains all the earthquake deformation models that have been used.
- TsunamiModels - this contains that wave heights at the coast for all the modelled events, as well as the overall maximum wave heights at the coast.
- Tsunami Comparison - this contains the data used from the 2021 National Tsunami Hazard Model for New Zealand that was compared to our study.
- figures - this contains the script used to generate all the figures in the paper.