
  1. Programming ang computational thinking or algoritmisk tenkning
  2. System APIs
  3. GIT management or Versjonshåndtering (GIT)

To create an interaktive website.

  • html, css, javascript
  • DOM manipulation
  • Adding functions to input, buttons and other elements
  • Operating DOM objects
  • Arrow and JSON functions

Managing Array functions

  • map()
  • filter()
  • Object Array, etc.

Importing data from API Keys to a local file.

Modern JavaScript

JSON and Object Arrays:

  • Iterating Object Arrays with forEarch
  • Filtering Object Arrays
  • Array.find()
  • Array.filter()
  • Arrays.includes()
  • Iterating arrays with map()
  • JSON object from file
  • Making a website with JSON data og CSS styling

Vanilla nettside with fetch from borded API

Utility APP (Pomodoro)

Time in JavaScript: the Date object, setTimeout/setInterval, app idea, problem solving

Working with Svelte and managing components

Fetch (data API's): Wordmuse

Electron utility apps

Electron basics with Svelte: Using Electron to convert a website to a cross-platform desktop app

Applicaton- "Checklist"- a task management app.