📕 Code Path

Code Structures

There are four parts in the code.

  • model: It contains the main files for DUET network.
  • data: It contains the data splits for different datasets.
  • cache: It contains some cache files.
  • script: The training scripts for DUET.
├── AwA2
├── cache
│   ├── AWA2
│   │   ├── attributeindex2prompt.json
│   │   └── id2imagepixel.pkl
│   ├── CUB
│   │   ├── attributeindex2prompt.json
│   │   ├── id2imagepixel.pkl
│   │   └── mapping.json
│   └── SUN
│   │   ├── attributeindex2prompt.json
│   │   ├── id2imagepixel.pkl
│   │   └── mapping.json
├── CUB_200_2011
├── data
│   ├── AWA2
│   │   ├── APN.mat
│   │   ├── TransE_65000.mat
│   │   ├── att_splits.mat
│   │   ├── attri_groups_9.json
│   │   ├── kge_CH_AH_CA_60000.mat
│   │   └── res101.mat
│   ├── CUB
│   │   ├── APN.mat
│   │   ├── att_splits.mat
│   │   ├── attri_groups_8.json
│   │   ├── attri_groups_8_layer.json
│   │   └── res101.mat
│   └── SUN
│       ├── APN.mat
│       ├── att_splits.mat
│       ├── attri_groups_4.json
│       └── res101.mat
├── log
│   ├── AWA2
│   ├── CUB
│   └── SUN
├── model
│   ├── log.py
│   ├── main.py
│   ├── main_utils.py
│   ├── model_proto.py
│   ├── modeling_lxmert.py
│   ├── opt.py
│   ├── swin_modeling_bert.py
│   ├── util.py
│   └── visual_utils.py
├── PLMs
├── out
│   ├── AWA2
│   ├── CUB
│   └── SUN
└── script
    ├── AWA2
    │   └── AWA2_GZSL.sh
    ├── CUB
    │   └── CUB_GZSL.sh
    └── SUN
        └── SUN_GZSL.sh
├── SUN

🔬 Dependencies

  • Python 3
  • PyTorch >= 1.8.0
  • Transformers>= 4.11.3
  • NumPy
  • All experiments are performed with one RTX 3090Ti GPU.
  • run following script to create conda virtual envonriment
conda env create -f cm.yaml

🎯 Prerequisites

🚀 Train & Eval

The training script for AWA2_GZSL:

bash script/AWA2/AWA2_GZSL.sh
[--dataset {AWA2, SUN, CUB}] [--calibrated_stacking CALIBRATED_STACKING] [--nepoch NEPOCH] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--manualSeed MANUAL_SEED]
[--classifier_lr LEARNING-RATE] [--xe XE] [--attri ATTRI] [--gzsl] [--patient PATIENT] [--model_name MODEL_NAME] [--mask_pro MASK-PRO] 
[--mask_loss_xishu MASK_LOSS_XISHU] [--xlayer_num XLAYER_NUM] [--construct_loss_weight CONSTRUCT_LOSS_WEIGHT] [--sc_loss SC_LOSS] [--mask_way MASK_WAY]
[--attribute_miss ATTRIBUTE_MISS]