
ActionFPS Game

Primary LanguageScala


Build Status Join the chat at https://gitter.im/ScalaWilliam/ActionFPS Workflow

Throughput Graph

Technology Choices

  • Scala for data processing and Play framework: solid, stable toolkit for dealing with complex data.
  • PHP for the server-side frontend: speedy development for dynamic websites.


We have Travis CI. We also have Continuous Deployment from master to our dedicated CentOS 7 server via Amazon SQS and GitHub Web Hooks. We are targeting a monolothic deployment with highly modular code. We use SBT for building everything. It is the superior tool of choice.


Install SBT: http://www.scala-sbt.org/download.html

Install php7.0: https://bjornjohansen.no/upgrade-to-php7

Running frontend

sbt web/run &
cd web/dist/www && php -S

Running tests

sbt clean test dist

Coding it

Use IntelliJ: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/ Import the build.sbt file from Import Project from Existing Sources... menu