
proxy switcher for terminal

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


proxyconf is a proxy switcher for terminal. proxyconf automatically switch proxy depends on System Preference by default.

proxyconf currently supports Mac only.


First, install proxyconf via gem.

$ gem install proxyconf

Second, setup using proxyconf-setup command

$ proxyconf-setup

then it creates ~/.proxyconf directory and append setting for proxyconf into your ~/.bash_profile. You can use proxyconf command when you open new terminal, or type below to use immediately.

$ source "$HOME/.proxyconf/proxyconf"

Update from previous version

If you use previous version of proxyconf, follow steps below to update.

$ gem update proxyconf
$ proxyconf-setup update
$ source "$HOME/.proxyconf/proxyconf"


Simply type proxyconf in your terminal.

$ proxyconf

Then proxyconf exports environment variable 'http_proxy', 'https_proxy' and 'ftp_proxy' based on your system preference.

If you want to use other proxy, use 'add' and 'use' command.

$ proxyconf add other other.proxy.com:8080
$ proxyconf use other

'add' command creates new proxy setting, and 'use' command exports environment variables. You can check out proxy settings already added using 'list' and 'info' command.

$ proxyconf list
$ proxyconf info other
export http_proxy=other.proxy.com:8080
export ftp_proxy=other.proxy.com:8080
export https_proxy=other.proxy.com:8080

You can remove proxy setting using 'remove' command.

$ proxyconf remove other
$ proxyconf list


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