
UyaliBeautyFaceSDK supports beauty filters, LUTs (Look-Up Tables), facial adjustments such as enlarging eyes and slimming faces, and millisecond-level facial recognition and tracking.UyaliBeautyFace美颜SDK,支持美颜(Beauty Filter),滤镜(LUTs),脸部微调如大眼、瘦脸等,毫秒级人脸识别、人脸跟踪。

Primary LanguageObjective-C

UyaliBeautyFaceSDK:Commercial-grade beauty enhancement SDK

UyaliBeautyFaceSDK is a comprehensive beauty enhancement SDK comparable to commercial-grade standards, integrating various functions such as beauty enhancement, facial shaping, and stickers. Currently, only the basic development of the facial shaping module has been completed, with beauty enhancement and sticker features to be gradually added in later stages.

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Note: As this is self-developed, there may be undiscovered bugs. It is advisable to use with caution for commercial purposes.

Function Planning

  • Beauty: Functions include whitening, smoothing, brightening eyes, whitening teeth, etc.(Completed filters for whitening, smoothing, brightening eyes, and whitening teeth.
  • Reshape: Features for adjusting facial aspects such as small head, slim face, large eyes, forehead, cheekbones, eyebrows, etc.(Nineteen facial enhancement filters have been completed.
  • Makeup: Features include eyebrows, eye makeup, contact lenses, blush, lipstick, etc.(Preliminary planning for all cosmetic filters has been completed.
  • Stickers: Planned (Not Completed)
  • Adaptation for Android (Not Completed)

Partial Feature Showcase

Demonstration materials are sourced from the internet. If there are any copyright concerns, please contact daiyangyang945@126.com for removal.


Face Chin Eye distance
face_thin chin eye_distance
Nose Eyebrow distance
nose_thin eye_distance


Makeup: eyebrow Makeup: Lipstick
makeup_eyebrow makeup_rouge


To be continued...

Integration Method

Simply copy the UyaliBeautyFaceSDK from the demo into your own project.



private let filter = UyaliBeautyFaceEngine()

Image Rendering Processing:

filter.process(pixelBuffer: pixelBuffer!)

Reshape Parameter Configuration:

filter.faceThin_delta = 100 //Range of Slimming Parameters for the Face 0 - 100

Beauty Parameter Configuration:

filter.white_delta = 100 //Range of Whitening Parameters 0 - 100

Makeup Parameter Configuration:

//Makeup filters require two parameters to be set: the first one is the makeup intensity value, and the second one is the makeup style.
filter.makeup_eyebrow_delta = 100 // Makeup: Eyebrow Parameter Range 0 - 100
filter.makeup_eyebrow_type = .eyebrow_cupin //Set the style of the eyebrows to "Cupin".

If there are prompts during integration,

Library not loaded: @rpath/UyaliBeautyFaceSDK.framework/UyaliBeautyFaceSDK

You can enter Build Phases, click on the plus sign at the top left corner, select New Copy Files Phase, then click on the created Copy Files. Set Destination to Frameworks, then click on the plus sign below and add UyaliBeautyFaceSDK.framework.



To be continued

iPhone7 测试

CPU cpu
Memory memory
Energy energy
GPU gpu