
A Rust implementation for Amazon S3 server access log aggregate and transform to parquet

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

A Rust implementation for AWS S3 server access log Extract and Transform

Tools to transform AWS S3 server access log to parquet format by various user-defined aggregation parameters and upload back to S3 by partitioned prefix.


  • Aggregate with customer defined datetime granularity
  • Aggregate by orig bucket
  • Aggregate by customer defined timezone
  • Transform to parquet for Hadoop friendly
  • Reduce total size by compression in parquet format
  • Adoptive log fields extension (for further log fields expand)
  • Partitioned parquet upload to S3 with customer defined prefix format

S3 Server Access Log Format

For more information about S3 server access log format, please visit: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/LogFormat.html

Supported platforms

  • x86_64
  • aarch64


s3logs Implementation of core S3 logs aggregate and transform logic together with simple cli, see Use CLI for more details.

s3logd S3 logs aggregator daemon, could be running on EC2 standalone.

s3log-lambda-aggregator Lambda implementation of S3 log aggregator.

s3log-lambda-transformer Lambda implementation of S3 log transformer.

How to build

Install Rust

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

in case this is the first time you on board rust, please install:

sudo yum install gcc

Build binary

inside of project folder, run:

cargo build --release

you will find binary at target/release

Environment settings

Environment Description Default
S3LOGS_STAGGING_ROOT_PATH location of aggregation(stagging) files store /mnt/s3logs/stagging
S3LOGS_STAGGING_PARTITION_SECOND time granularity at which log is partitioned (15 Min) 900
S3LOGS_STAGGING_PARTITION_TZIF time zone of your partitioned logs aligned to UTC+0
S3LOGS_STAGGING_MERGE_ORIG_BUCKETS set to true if you want to merge different orig bucket log entries into one log file true
S3LOGS_CONFIG_ROOT_PATH location of parquet config files /mnt/s3logs/config
S3LOGS_CONFIG_PARQUET_SCHEMA_FILE name of log format parquet schema file parquet.schema
S3LOGS_CONFIG_PARQUET_WRITER_PROPERTIES_FILE name of parquet writer config file parquet_writer_properties.ini
S3LOGS_TRANSFORM_ARCHIVE_ROOT_PATH location of archive(processed) log files(gz) /mnt/s3logs/archive
S3LOGS_TRANSFORM_PARQUET_ROOT_PATH location of output parquet files /mnt/s3logs/parquet
S3LOGS_TRANSFORM_OUTPUT_TARGET_PREFIX prefix of S3's prefix to upload parquet NULL
S3LOGS_TRANSFORM_OUTPUT_PREFIX_FMT S3 prefix of parquet to be upload year=%Y/month=%m/day=%d/hour=%H
S3LOGS_TRANSFORM_PARQUET_WRTIER_BULK_LINES max lines of log which parquet writer batch once 200000
S3LOGS_TRANSFORM_JOB_INTERVAL expiration time between transform jobs and last modification of stagging file (10 Min) 600
S3LOGS_TRANSFORM_AGGREGATE_SECOND aggregate stagging files into time window (15 Min) MUST > S3LOGS_STAGGING_PARTITION_SECOND 900
S3LOGS_TRANSFORM_LOG_DEDUPLICATION enable log entry deduplication true
S3LOGS_TRANSFORM_CLEANUP_PROCESSED_LOGS clean up processed log files
if set to false, processed log files will goes to S3LOGS_TRANSFORM_ARCHIVE_ROOT_PATH
S3LOGS_TRANSFORM_CLEANUP_UPLOADED_PARQUET clean up uploaded parquet files
if set to false, parquet files will be kept in S3LOGS_TRANSFORM_PARQUET_ROOT_PATH
S3LOGS_TRANSFORM_MPU_CHUNK_SIZE chunk size of S3 multipart upload (5 MiB) 5242880
S3LOGS_FILE_BUF_SIZE buffer size for both READ and WRITE when processing files (100 MiB) 104857600
S3LOGS_FILE_LOCK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS timeout to try lock stagging file in seconds 30
S3LOGS_FILE_LOCK_RETRY_WAIT_MS wait milliseconds for every file lock retry 100

Envroment that you DON'T want to change

Environment Description Default
S3LOGS_STAGGING_FILE_DATETIME_FMT name format for stagging files %Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S%z
S3LOGS_STAGGING_FILE_SUFFIX suffix of stagging file .s3logs
S3LOGS_STAGGING_PROCESSING_SUFFIX suffix of stagging file during transform .processing


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.