Wire provides an easy and flexible way to serialize and deserialize Go structures to binary. It has support for arrays, variable length slices and strings, embedded structures, and even slices and arrays of embedded structures.
Wire serializes in little endian by default, but this can be overridden with the use of struct field tags or by using the WithOrder functions.
The following tags are supported:
tells wire to (de)serialize the value in big endianlittle
tells wire to (de)serialize the value in little endiannullterm
tells wire to (de)serialize the string with a null terminatorsizeof=$
tells wire that this field contains the length of another field
type Example struct {
Cmd uint8
UsernameLen uint16 `wire:"sizeof=Username,big"`
Username string
Password string `wire:"nullterm"`
// Note that the value passed in must be a pointer as UsernameLen is modified!
wire.Encode(writer, &Example{Cmd: 1, Username: "dajoh", Password: "x"})