
Python wrapper for codeforces web api

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python wrapper for the codeforces web api. Refer to CodeForces-API for the detailed explanation of each method. It currently supports only public api methods.


  1. Move to the directory of your folder where you wish to use this API.

  2. Clone this repo inside your folder

    git clone https://github.com/dak-x/cfPython

  3. Import the package directly into your project:

     from cfPython import * 
  4. Check the __init__.py to look at the available functions. All neccessary documentation is provided in the function definitions.
    You can also use __doc__ attribute for the docstring for a function or use help(cfPython.<Method Name>) to view inside the python3 shell


import cfPython
import asyncio

# Return the CF Profile of tourist
async def test(): 
    resp = await cfPython.getUserInfo(['tourist'])

# Get the asyncio event loop
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

This return the following json:

   "status": "OK",
   "result": [
         "lastName": "Korotkevich",
         "country": "Belarus",
         "lastOnlineTimeSeconds": 1609910994,
         "city": "Gomel",
         "rating": 3778,
         "friendOfCount": 31596,
         "titlePhoto": "//userpic.codeforces.com/422/title/50a270ed4a722867.jpg",
         "handle": "tourist",
         "avatar": "//userpic.codeforces.com/422/avatar/2b5dbe87f0d859a2.jpg",
         "firstName": "Gennady",
         "contribution": 155,
         "organization": "ITMO University",
         "rank": "legendary grandmaster",
         "maxRating": 3783,
         "registrationTimeSeconds": 1265987288,
         "maxRank": "legendary grandmaster"