The CLI tool to merge the multiple template files for the AWS Cloudformation into one template file.
- Automatically merge all the Cloudformation template yml files into one big yml file.
- The AWSTemplateFormatVersion will be located at the beginning of the generated yml file.
- For SAM(Serverless Application Model), the Transform will follow the AWSTemplateFormatVersion if the Transform exist.
- The blank lines will be trimed automatically.
- All yml comments will be removed
The SAM CLI is a great tool to provide a convenient way to make a package and deploy to the AWS account easily. However, since it supports only one cloudformation template file, we need a tool to combine multiple yml files before packaging.
Let's assume a project folder structure as below.
Project Root
|- cloudformation - master.yml
| |- resources - resource1.yml, resource2.yml
| |- parameters - parameters.yml
|- lambda - src - api - api.js
| | |- utils - utils.js
| |__ tst - api - api-test.js
| |- utils - utils.js
|- package.json
We could deploy the cloudformation and lambda functions all together to the AWS account with the cloudformation-yml-merger.
$ cd project-root
$ cloudformation-yml-merger-cli -i cloudformation -o merged-cfn.yml
$ sam package --template-file merged-cfn.yml --output-template-file serverless-output.yaml --s3-bucket s3-bucket-in-your-account
$ sam deploy --template-file serverless-output.yaml --stack-name a-great-stack-name --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
Let's assume a folder A contains multiple yaml files as below:
|- a.yaml
|- B - b.yaml
|- C - c.yml
# a.yaml
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
# b.yaml
value: "sample value"
SampleBucket: #S3
Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
AccessControl: PublicRead
# c.yml
APIGLambdaFunction: #Lambda
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: sample/sample.handler
The merge results would be as follows. All the comments and blank lines will be deleted and all the resources will be located in one Resources property.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: 'AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31'
Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
AccessControl: PublicRead
Type: 'AWS::Serverless::Function'
Handler: sample/sample.handler
Description: description
value: sample value
$ npm install -g cloudformation-yml-merger-cli
Merge multiple yml template files into one big yml file to deploy to your AWS account.
$ cloudformation-yml-merger-cli -i path-to-folder -o target-yml-file
The example with the project folder structure above is.
$ cloudformation-yml-merger-cli -i cloudformation -o merged.yml
- path-to-folder : the path to the folder contains multiple yml files and sub folders to be merged. An error happens if it's not provided, it doesn't exist, it's not a direct child directory, it doesn't contain any yml file, or any yml file doesn't contain the AWSTemplateFormatVersion.
- path-to-target-yml-file: the path of the target file to be generated. An error happens if it's not provided.