Technical Coding Challenge: Data Pipeline

In this more challenging coding challenge, you'll be tasked with building a simple real-time data pipeline simulator using TypeScript and Node.js.

Problem Description:

You'll simulate a real-time data pipeline that consists of three main components:

  1. Data Producer: Generates random sales transactions at a set interval.
  2. Data Buffer: Acts as a buffer (queue) that stores the incoming transactions temporarily.
  3. Data Consumer: Pulls transactions from the buffer, processes the data to calculate real-time metrics, and logs those metrics.


Data Producer:

  1. Generates a random sales transaction every 1-3 seconds. Each transaction should have a unique id, product, and amount.
    1. product types are randomly
      1. ['apple','banana','strawberry','grape','pineapple']
    2. amounts are constraint from 1 to 10

Data Buffer:

  1. Stores incoming transactions from the Data Producer in a queue (FIFO).
  2. Should have a maximum size and drop the oldest transactions if the buffer is full.

Data Consumer:

  1. Processes transactions from the Data Buffer at a set interval.
  2. Calculates and logs metrics such as the total number of transactions processed, total sales, and total sales per product.

Main Program:

  1. Creates instances of the Data Producer, Data Buffer, and Data Consumer.
  2. Manages the interactions between these components.
  3. Logs any errors or dropped transactions.


  • Use native TypeScript/Node.js features and data structures. You can use setTimeout or setInterval for time-based operations.
  • Make the Data Buffer size and processing intervals configurable.
  • Implement proper error handling.
  • Your code should be clean, modular, use classes where possible, and well-commented.


  1. Make the Data Producer emit transactions with random timestamps from the last 30 minutes, and have the Data Consumer calculate time-based metrics (e.g., sales in the last 5, 10, 15 minutes).
  2. Implement unit tests for your components.

You can choose to implement this in a single TypeScript file or break it down into multiple files/classes/modules as you see fit.

Additional Questions**: Query Optimization**

How would you optimize these queries? Answer when you turn in your assignment via email

SELECT t.*, b.balance
FROM transfers t
JOIN balance b ON t."toAddress" = b.walletAddress
WHERE b.balance > 1000
AND t.contractAddress = 'some_contract_address';
SELECT DISTINCT "toAddress", contract_address
FROM transfers
WHERE contract_address IN ('address1', 'address2', 'address3');