
Making HTML dynamic

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Front-end JavaScript framework for dynamic HTML. Used for creating components from JavaScript arrays. Inspired by AngularJS.

How to Use

  • circular="name" : Defines the parent circle
  • vector : Defines the template for the clones -- a la Jango Fett
  • circ-var="var" : Define an element that has a variable inside it
  • circ-attr="attr" : Defines an element that has an attribute with a variable, and which attribute it is
  • !!variable!! : Replaces variable with Object["variable"]
  • circ-bind="var" : Will setup this parent circle for binding data to var


Define the data as an array of objects

var Array = [
  {"FriendName": "Papagiorgio", "FriendID": 23521},
  {"FriendName": "Luke Skywalker", "FriendID": 92749},
  {"FriendName": "Doc Brown", "FriendID": 71152}

Bind the data to the friends circle

Circular.circles["friends"].bind( Array );

Now create your HTML

<section id="friends-list" circular="friends">
  <div class="friend" vector>
    <img class="friend-img" circ-attr="src" src="/static/image/!!FriendID!!">
    <h1 circ-var="FriendName">Name: !!FriendName!!</h1>

Alternatively, we can define which data we want our Circle to bind to by giving the parent the circ-bind attribute with a value equal to our global variable:

<section id="friends-list" circular="friends" circ-bind="Array">
  <div class="friend" vector>
    <img class="friend-img" circ-attr="src" src="/static/image/!!FriendID!!">
    <h1 circ-var="FriendName">Name: !!FriendName!!</h1>

And then we can run our quickBind() function to attach these bindings:
