CSE3002 – Internet and Web Programming

Digital Assignment – I

Fall Semester 2021 – 2022

## Topic: Develop Personal Portfolio
  • Create a personal webpage using HTML5, CSS and JS. Commit every change in this GitHub Repository.
  • Write down the step-by-step process for creating the personal webpage and deployment in GitHub Pages.
  • Write down the 10 points you learned during the creation of this webpage.
  • Write down why everyone needs a personal webpage.
  • Deploy your personal webpage in GitHub pages (Github.io), share your website link, code and Screenshots.

Submission of Assignment: * Due Date: October 21, 2021 * Must upload in GitHub and VTOP
Note: * No plagiarism. * The assignment must be on your own if you copied from anywhere else. The marks will be awarded zero * While submitting the digital assignment, must add the Github and Github Pages (github.io) link on the second page. Assignment content must start from the third page.
_**Further Queries:**_
_Email: jayakumars@vit.ac.in_
_Mobile: 09488881826_
_Office: SJT 510 A03_