A web application to like/unlike images from NASA's Image API. Check it out!
- React
- Libraries - Shopify Polaris, Polaris Icons, Axios, Framer Motion, React Router
- Vercel
Images returned from the API are shown here. Each image result lists a title, date of capture (earth_date) and a button to “like” that image. Each image can be “liked”, and a user is able to undo their “like”.
100% accessibility score on Lighthouse.
button redirects user to /images
where images from NASA's image API are shown.
Skeleton page shown until images are fetched.
Ability to load more images from the API.
Ability to copy each image's URL.
Using localStorage to save likes if the user leaves or reloads the page.
In addition, the like action is animated and the application has responsive web design!
- Get a free API key from https://api.nasa.gov
- Clone this repository using
git clone https://github.com/dakshub/spacestagram.git
- Create an
file in the base directory and a variable namedREACT_APP_API_URL=https://api.nasa.gov/mars-photos/api/v1/rovers/curiosity/photos?earth_date=2022-1-1&api_key=key
is yourapi_key
from step 1 - Run
npm start
and the application should be available onlocalhost:3000
I would start off by adding tests to make the code more robust. Filtering API results and storing them to reduce API calls would be really helpful. LocalStorage is not scalable, so I'll create a database and link it with backend service to store user likes.