
poormanscdn is a caching proxy to Amazon S3 with automatic HTTPS. Built using Go.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


poormanscdn is a caching proxy to Amazon S3 built using Go. It is highly performant, very easy to configure (just copy the binary) and can save you a lot of money on S3 bandwidth through caching. If you run poormanscdn on a couple of cheap dedicated servers and round-robin DNS with health-checks, you can have a highly-available CDN for very low cost.


  • Trivial to setup: single binary and simple config file
  • Caching: Least-Recently-Used files are evicted when the cache is full
  • Automatic HTTPS: using Let's Encrypt
  • URL signing: protect your downloads through URL signing and link expiration
  • Virtual Hosts: host multiple domains on the same server
  • Streaming: if a file is not in the cache, the file is streamed from S3 to the client while being cached so that large files can be download immediately
  • Realtime stats: call http://poormanscdnhost/cacheStats with signed request to get realtime stats on transfer and cache size
  • Referer control: only allow signed downloads for users coming from your site
  • Host control: only allow signed downloads from a specific IP address


Add poormanscdn and its package dependencies to your go Go src directory:

go get -v github.com/alexandres/poormanscdn

Once the get completes, you should find your new poormanscdn (or poormanscdn.exe) executable sitting inside $GOPATH/bin/.

To update poormanscdn's dependencies, use go get with the -u option.

go get -u -v github.com/alexandres/poormanscdn

Run poormanscdn:

poormanscdn --config config.json

See $GOPATH/src/github.com/alexandres/poormanscdn/config.json.example for an example configuration.


All configuration is done by editing the config.json file. Options:

  • Listen: interface and port to listen on - examples: to listen on localhost on port 8080 or :https to listen on all interfaces on port 443

  • DefaultAccessKey: S3 Access Key (alternatively leave this blank and use AWS_ACCESS_KEY ENV variable). Override at the Hosts level if needed.

  • DefaultSecretKey: S3 Secret Key (alternatively leave this blank and use AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ENV variable). Override at the Hosts level if needed.

  • Secret: the secret key used to sign download URLs and purge requests - example: use $ hexdump -n 16 -e '4/4 "%08X" 1 "\n"' /dev/urandom to generate 128 bit key. (alternatively leave this blank and use PCDN_SECRET ENV variable)

  • TmpDir: where to store temporary files, need not persist between executions

  • CacheDir: where to store cached files, should persist between executions to avoid emptying the cache

  • CacheSize: the maximum size in bytes of the cache - example: 40000000000 to use at most 40GB

  • DatabaseDir: where to store database files, should persist between executions to maintain last-downloaded times for cached files

  • TLSCertificateDir: where to store Let's Encrypt certificates (if blank, will disable https:// on all hosts). See Using HTTPS below.

  • FreeSpaceBatchSizeInBytes: when the cache is full, free this many bytes, should be at least as large as the largest file you'll store in your cache - example: 1000000000 to free 1GB

  • SigRequired: if true, only allows downloads using signed URLs

  • Hosts: dictionary of virtual hosts (see Virtual Hosts below), in the format: "domainoripaddress": { "Bucket": "s3bucket", "Path": "base path within bucket", "AccessKey": "leaveblanktouseDefaultAccessKey", "SecretKey": "leaveblanktouseDefaultSecretKey" }

    Note: Usage of HTTPS requires a valid domain name.


An S3 URL http://yourbucket.s3.amazonaws.com/some/path.ext can be served by poormanscdn by calling http://hostwithpoormanscdn/some/path.ext

Program errors and request errors are written to stderr. All request information is logged to stdout using the combined log format.

poormanscdn must have write access to CacheDir, DatabaseDir, and TmpDir, which must be created before running the program.

Cache Invalidation

You can invalidate cached files in 2 ways:

  1. Send a signed DELETE request to http://poormanscdnhost/somepath.ext to purge somepath.ext from the cache. Alternatively, send the request http://poormanscdnhost/ (base path) to invalidate the entire cache.

    Pro tip: you can get Netlify-like functionality by creating a git commit hook that calls the signed DELETE / URL after your files have been pushed to S3. See URL Signing below.

  2. poormanscdn invalidates a cached file if the modified query parameter is newer than the last modified time as given by the local filesystem. For example, passing modified=0 means a file will never be invalidated. This only works with signed URLs.

Virtual Hosts

A single poormanscdn server can serve multiple domains through virtual hosts. For example, if you have three domains myblog.com, familyblog.com, and carrentals.com, with:

  • myblog.com and familyblog.com using DefaultAccessKey and DefaultSecretKey and sharing S3 bucket blogs under different paths
  • carrentals.com in a separate AWS account and bucket using the root path

Your Hosts configuration would be:

"Hosts": {
	"myblog.com": { "Bucket": "blogs", "Path": "my" },
	"familyblog.com": { "Bucket": "blogs", "Path": "family" },
	"carrentals.com": { "Bucket": "carrentals", "AccessKey": "someotherawsaccesskey", "SecretKey": "someotherawssecretkey" }

Automatic HTTPS

Suppose you own domain myblog.com. Create an A record pointing to the IP address of your poormanscdn server. Then in your config.json file:

  1. Create an entry myblog.com in the Hosts section, as shown above.
  2. Make sure TLSCertificateDir to a writable directory.
  3. Set Listen to :https.

That's it! Start poormanscdn and HTTPS should just work. If you have more domains simply add them to Hosts and they will also be HTTPS enabled.

URL Signing

If SigRequired is set to true in your configuration, poormanscdn will only allow downloads with signed URLs. See client/sign.go (Go) and client/python/poormanscdn/__init__.py (Python) for sample implementations. There is a Go tool in client/go/pcdn that allows you to sign URLs from the command line.

Dowload URL signing using Python

import poormanscdn
import datetime

last_modified_at = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=7) # file changes weekly
expires_at =  datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(hours=1) # signed URL expires in 1 hour
domain = "mysite.com" # only allow download if Referer header is from mysite.com, set to "" to allow from any Referer
host = "" # only allow download from this IP address, set to "" to allow from any IP
poormanscdn.get_signed_url("mysecretkey", "http://mycdnhost.com", "GET", "/some/file.ext", last_modified_at, expires_at, restrict_domain=domain, restrict_host=host)

DELETE URL signing using Python

import poormanscdn

last_modified_at = None
expires_at = None # never expire
poormanscdn.get_signed_url("mysecretkey", "http://mycdnhost.com", "DELETE", "/", last_modified_at, expires_at)

As this URL never expires, you can add this to your commit hook to clear the cache after your files have been deployed to S3.

Viewing Cache Stats

Construct a signed url as follows:

import poormanscdn

last_modified_at = None
expires_at = None # never expire
poormanscdn.get_signed_url("mysecretkey", "http://mycdnhost.com", "GET", "/cacheStats", last_modified_at, expires_at)


I would love to receive pull requests for the following features:

  • Script for building binary releases
  • Add TLS support using Let's Encrypt - implemented by bep
  • Cache Invalidation through Purging
  • Virtual Hosts - implemented by bep
  • Add support for more backends in addition to S3
  • PIP-ify Python signing lib
  • JavaScript signing lib
  • PHP signing lib
  • Ruby signing lib
  • Secrets Configuration via ENV


Copyright (c) 2017 Salle, Alexandre atsalle@inf.ufrgs.br. All work in this package is distributed under the MIT License.