Effective broccoli

This project was created with @creuna/create-react-app.

Install dependencies



Available scripts are defined in package.json. The most important ones are:

  • dev: Start development environment
  • build: Build bundle for production using a dynamic backend
  • build:static: Build static site


yarn dev


The build script outputs files to ./dist. Important files to know about:

  • client.js: This is where all of your authored code ends up.
  • vendor.js: All of your npm-dependencies.
  • server.js: Bundle for server-side rendering the React-components. It contains everything from client.js and vendor.js, minus some unneeded polyfills. This is not output when building a static site.
  • style.css: Compiled Sass
  • manifest.json: Contains a list of mappings from source file to emitted file

Both client.js and vendor.js should be served to the client. Because we do chunk hashing, these can be cached indefinitely.

When building for a dynamic backend, server.js will have all React components defined in a global Components object.

On the backend, use manifest.json to look up which files to load and serve.

Generated files

  • ./source/app.components.js: This file exports all components directly descending source/components where the name of the folder and the name of the .jsx file are the same. This file is included in all of the javascript bundles.
  • ./source/static-site/pages/pages.js: Exports all of the components in source/static-site/pages. It is used to build the static site.
  • ./source/static-site/pages/paths.js: Exports all of the paths to the static site pages. It is used to build the static site.


React components

Put React components in source/components. It is recommended to have each component in a separate folder, containing a jsx file, a scss file and an index.js file.

If the folder and the jsx file have the same name, the component will be included in the generated app.components.js file which can be used to render components on a backend (like ReactJS.NET).

When building a static site, app.components.js is not generated and server.js is not output as part of the build.


By default, two aliases are included in webpack.config:

  • components which resolves to source/components
  • js which resolves to source/js

These aliases allow you to import like this from any js/jsx file:

import SomeComponent from 'components/some-component';
import someScript from 'js/some-script';

These aliases are also included in jsconfig.json which makes VS Code resolve the aliases, giving you autocomplete.

Static Site

All static site pages (source/static-site/pages) that have a folder and a component named the same, as well as an index.js file, will get a link in the page index (found by default at /). You can customize the name, group name, and path of the page in the page's jsx file by adding frontmatter to the first line like this:

group: Custom group name
name: Custom page name
path: /custom-path

All properties are optional.

Pages with the same group name will be grouped under this name.


Put your assets like fonts, icons and logos in source/assets. Static site content assets can be put in source/static-site/assets. Webpack copies everything from there to /static-site/assets, so you can refer to your static content files like this:

  "imageUrl": "/static-site/assets/my-image.jpg"

API Responses

Webpack will copy everything from source/static-site/api to /static-static/api so you can reference your static API responses like this:

  "apiEndpoint": "/static-site/api/register-user.json"


The main entry point for styles is source/scss/styles.scss. This file imports any and all .scss files in source/components. After adding new .scss files you need to run yarn dev again in order for them to be discovered.

Input detection

js/input-detection.js is included. It checks for mouse, touch and keyboard events and puts classes on <html>:

  • .mouse-user: The last event was either a mouse or touch event (this is removed when a keyboard event occurs)
  • .touchevents: The last event was a touch event
  • .no-touchevents: The last event was not a touch event

By default, all focus outlines are disabled when the .mouse-user class is present (in site.scss). No class names are present if js is disabled in the browser, meaning focus outlines are preserved.

You can use these classnames to provide alternative styling based on input method (like disabling hover effects for touch screens).

Code formatting

./.eslintrc.json includes config for using prettier to format your source code. In addition to making your code look pretty, this helps to enforce a consistent coding style within your project. There are plugins for Prettier to most of the major editors (like VS code or Sublime). You should install the Prettier-pugin for your editor. It is very nice.

UI Testing

TestCafé is included for easy end to end testing. There is an example test provided in /tests/example-page.js.

Things to note

  • run tests with yarn test:ui or npm run test:ui
    • The development server must already be running for this to work (yarn dev or npm run dev)
  • TestCafé will find and run all tests in located directly in ./tests