
This is the final project of web development with the Django Tutorial presented at pluralsight. Please, note that the course was taught using django 1.6 and I worked by myself trying to figure out how could I write this project with the newest version(1.10 by now). The webpage result is different than the one taught in the course. But it is a good comparisson. Guys, fell free to give me hints and ideas.

Primary LanguageCSS

Django Fundamentals exercise:

This repository is the development of a Django tictactoe game application using some important Django functionalities. The original course teaches the basics of web development with the Django framework using version 1.6 on a MAC environment. Here, I used Django 1.10 on Windows 10 machine. I hope this repository contributes to you to become a productive Python web developer. :smile:

boardgames notes:

The users created are: 'admin', 'bob', 'matilda' all passwords are feijoada.
The file 'requirements.txt' contain all modules installed in this project.

More resources about django can be found in:

www.djangoproject.com django website www.revsys.com/django/cheatsheet Django Cheat Sheet from Revolution Systems ccbv.co.uk guide to Django Class-Based Views www.djangopackages.com django packages djangosnippets.org Django snippets

In this README file I intend to make a list of what I consider the most common Django procedures fo web development.

1) Django Procedures on POWER SHELL:

a) Installing/Setting VIRTUALENV:
Diferents ways to make virtual environment on windows

pip install virtualenv
mkvirtualenv mywebsite2017
virtualenv project1_env
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.6 <path/to/new/virtualenv/>
mkvirtualenv --python=c:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python36/python36.exe demo

moving to env directory created 📂


Now we are ready to start the project

b) Installing/Setting DJANGO WEBPROJECT

python --version
pip install django
pip install (another module)
pip install (other modules)...
pip freeze --local > requirements.txt # this command stores the python modules in a *.txt* file in order to be imported to another project. it is quite convenient.

Now, we can start a new project. Here I call it _mysite

django-admin.py startproject _mysite

moving to the project directory created 📂
cd _mysite

python manage.py runserver
python manage.py startapp webapp01(personal)
python manage.py startapp webapp02(templates)
python manage.py startapp webapp03(blog)
python manage.py runserver


python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py makemigrations blog
python manage.py sqlmigrate blog 0001
python manage.py migrate


	python manage.py createsuperuser

2) Querysets and Django shell:

python manage.py shell

>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>>> from blog.models import Post
>>> user = User.objects.get(username='admin')
>>> post = Post.objects.create(title='Practice Title', slug='practice-title', content='This is the content', author=user)
>>> post.save()
>>> Post.objects.all()
<QuerySet [<Post: Practice Title>]>
>>> Post.objects.order_by('title')
>>> post.published
datetime.datetime(2016, 10 11, 13, 59, tzinfo=<UTC>)
>>> post = Post.objects.get(id=1)
>>> post
<Post: Practice Title>
>>> post.delete()

=== views.py ===

=== urls.py ===

3) miscellaneous:

this code will install all modules listed in this file.

pip install -r requirements.txt

ATENTION!⚠️ This part is under construction: 🚧

Import-Module virtualenvwrapper set-executionpolicy RemoteSigned

Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned Get-ExecutionPolicy


if you don't have it already. echo "venv/" >> ~/.gitignore