
Some footprints and components for KiCAD I have created

My KiCad libraries

This repo contains KiCad models and footprints I made for various components. It may or may not grow in the future.

How to install a footprint

To install them, download this repo (either use the git clone command, or use the Github feature to download these files as a zip), preferably in a sufolder of your KiCad project.
Then, in KiCad's footprints editor, go to File>add library and import the *.pretty you have just downloaded (more info here).

How to install a symbol

To install them, download this repo (either use the git clone command, or use the Github feature to download these files as a zip), preferably in a sufolder of your KiCad project.
Then, in KiCad's symbol editor, go to File>add library and import the *.lib file you have just downloaded (more info here).

Models in this repo

Omron relays

This repo contains a footprint for Omron LY1* and LY2* relays. It has been succefully tested with LY2N-J (also written LY2NJ) relays. According to Omron's datasheet, it should also suit the following parts:

  • LY1
  • LY1N
  • LY1-D
  • LY1N-D2
  • LY2
  • LY2Z
  • LY2N
  • LY2-D
  • LY2Z-D
  • LY2N-D2
  • LY2ZN-D2

This repo only contains the footprint of such parts. To add the component to a schematic, choose any component that has the same number of terminals. For instance, choose from the built-in relays library, or, slightly better, the LY20 component from the relay library from library.oshec.org.

Then, associate these parts to this footprint.

Screenshot of the Omron LY-2x footprint for KiCad

Omron mini-USB connector

This repo contains a footprint for the Omron XM7D-0512 through-hole mini-USB connector. It comes from https://www.snapeda.com/parts/XM7D-0512/Omron%20Electronics%20Inc-EMC%20Div/view-part/, but corrects how the edges are drawn (they were mostly drawn on the wrong layers from this original URL).

This is the footprint only. Any mini-USB connector symbol from the standard KiCad library will do (although the original URL for the footprint also contains a symbol, that should be OK).

Screenshot of the Omron XM7D-0512 footprint for KiCad

Symbols in this repo

NCP5623 (I2C RGB LED driver)

This repo contains a symbol of the NCP5623 I2C PWM LED driver.
This repo does not contain any footprint for it, since it is a regular TSSOP-24 package, which is already in KiCad's default libraries (Package_SO:TSSOP-14_4.4x5mm_P0.65mm).

Screenshot of the NCP5623 symbol for Kicad

More to come
