
Utilities around plist files, mainly to work around a bug in Traktor

Primary LanguageRust


This crate works around a bug in Traktor 3.6.1 (and at lest iTunes 12.8 on Windows)

How to use

  1. Download itunes-library-convert.exe using this link
  2. in a command prompt, run itunes-library-convert.exe "C:\Users\my_username\Music\iTunes\iTunes Music Library.xml" "C:\Users\my_username\Music\iTunes\iTunes Music Library for Traktor.xml"
    Of course, you should edit the paths to point at your actual iTunes XML library file.
  3. Note: by default, only the errors are shown. If there is no output, this means this has worked. In case you want more output, run set RUST_LOG=info before step 2.
  4. in Traktor settings, in File management section, choose your newly created XML file in the iTunes/Music field (this must be done once only)
  5. start Traktor and enjoy!

Step 2 must be done everytime you change your iTunes Library.
Step 4 needs to be done only once.

This may not work for you guys outside of Europe (using a different encoding than Latin-15). If so, leave an issue and I'll add support for more encodings.

command prompt


See this thread for more info.
Traktor loads iTunes Library.xml to locate songs from iTunes. This file is a plist file, where paths are encoded in UTF-8 (and percent-escaped, fwiw).

For some reason, at least on my computer (where Windows is in French), Traktor would decode paths as Latin-15 (ISO_8859_15). Obviously, Traktor would fail at locating these files.


This project reads the plist XML, decodes strings from UTF-8 and re-encodes them in Latin-15 before saving to a new XML file. It is not possible to do so for every track (e.g. tracks that contain Greek, Cyrillic, etc. characters that do not fit into Latin-15). These tracks are left as-is.