ActiveOio ========= ActiveOIO is a Ruby on Rails ActiveOIO extension to Danish public data. You can read more about it at Example ======= # Find all Kommune.find(:all) # Find one Postdistrikt.find(8830) # Search by name Postdistrikt.find_by_name('borg') # Adresser # This is a finder with all possible search params. # returns an Address-light, with a reduced subset of the full Adresse. Adresse.find(:all, :params => {:vejnavn => "lyongade", :husnr => "19", :postnr => "2300", :vejnr => "4492", :kommunenr => "101", :sognenr => "7084"}) # direct access Adresse.find(9718) # find the first hit -- fully expanded address object Adresse.find(:first,:params => {:vejnavn => "lyongade", :husnr => "19"}) TODO ======== * lokaliteter => make drill down to full-address level * Unittests against stubbed responses. Should we hack Active Resource to do that? * Integration tests against * Script to port github commits into subversion on Google Code