
Rails examples for the oiorest project

Primary LanguageRuby

A Rails example app for oiorest

Instead of you having to type up an application that uses the oiorest ActiveResource-based plugin, use this Rails app to try out oiorest.

What is oiorest?

See the oiorest project page at GitHub:


Oiorest in short: an experimental plugin for a project to help an experiment with public Danish data about municipalities.

oiorest at Google Code has some wiki information to be moved to GitHub.

Getting started

You have checked out the source code, now run these commands to install the plugin from source, and set up a database.

git-submodule init
git-submodule update
rake db:migrate

How To Use the Examples

Start that server, run the application, and have a look.

  • Kommuner shows Denmark's municipalities with autocomplete
  • Regioner shows the larger areas of Denmark, and how they can request info about their contents