
A complete and easy to integrate User-Authentication REST API for any application with Express.js and MongoDB as backend.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Complete User Authentication

A complete and easy to integrate User-Authentication REST API for any application with Express.js, MongoDB as backend and DB respectively

How to use

1. Clone or download the repository
2. Open project in your favourite IDE ( I assume VS Code ;) )
3. Run npm install in cloned directory
4. Start MongoDB service in your machine
5. Change the connection string of DB in db/db.js
5. Start the app by running npm run dev and open POSTMAN.
6. Start with POST /register and rest is all yours ;)


1. JWT authentication
2. Simple Mongoose model with one instance method for JWT token generation.
3. Form/JSON data validation using @hapi/joi. 
4. Authentication middleware is added for protected routes.
5. Easy to integrate with any Front-end application.
6. Neat and Well documented code for easy understanding.


  1. POST Routes

    1. /register
      Accepts {username,email,password,password_confirm} and returns user ID on successful registration.

    2. /login
      Accepts {username,password} and returns JWT "Auth-Token" which can be used for subsequent requests to protected routes

    3. /user/:id
      Returns a user with given {id} as a URL parameter

  2. GET routes

    1. /users
      List all stored users from DB

    2. /test
      Sample protected route

    3. /logout
      Logs user out from current session

    4. /logoutall
      Logs user out from all logged in sessions

    5. /check
      Check if given JWT token is valid or not

  3. PUT routes

    1. /update/:id
      Update password (or any other details you want) of the user with given id