
Developing Data Products

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Developing Data Products
Daniel Sobrado
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Project in Developing Data Products

Stock market performance in the last days

- a Slidify presentation incorporating a Shiny app to show interactively the stock market performance of the last X days.

####This presentation is designed to show the change in stock market values in the last X days.It consisted of 4 parts.

  • Retrieve stock market data from yahoo finance using the package quantmod
  • Calculation of yields using the package PerformanceAnalytics
  • Interactive report(including a Shiny interactive report)
  • Conclusion

####Shiny and Shiny app, which are main part of this presentation, enable to make report using R interactive and to distribute it on the Web.
####Slidify together with gh-pages enable Web slide of the report incorporating Shiny app.

####Togther with R markdown file of Slidify and R cource code of Shiny(see howtouse tab in Shiny app on page 5), this presentation provides an explanatory report.


You can also embed plots, for example:


Note that the echo = FALSE parameter was added to the code chunk to prevent printing of the R code that generated the plot.