
Unmanaged extension based on Neo4j

Primary LanguageJava

Path Finder Based-on Neo4j

This is an example of an unmanaged-extension with Neo4j.

Data Model

The raw data is borrowed from gracenote. And the data model involved includes the following roles:

|Node:Label|ID|Property| |:---:|:---:|:--:|:----:| |movie|[TMSId]|| |actor|[personId]|name|

Relationship:Type Property StartNode EndNode
ACTED_IN weight Actor Movie
KNOWS weight Actor Actor
HAS weight Movie Actor

The ACTED_IN relationship is natural, while the others KNOWS and HAS are built based on ACTED_IN.

# wrote in cypher
$ MATCH (a1:Actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(a2:Actor) where a1.personId >= "95000" CREATE (a1)-[:KNOWS]->(a2);

$ MATCH (a:Actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
CREATE (m:Movie)-[:HAS]->(a:Actor);

Supported Query

You can tell from the name that this project mainly focuses on the path query between two entities.

I didn't introduce swagger, and hopefully you won't lose yourself here.

basePath paths path params query params description
/service /path/single/movie/{movie1}/movie/{movie2} {movie1} is the TMSId of a movie, while {movie2} is of another return a single shortest path of two movies based on the query params
/service /path/all/movie/{movie1}}/movie/{movie2} {movie1} is the TMSId of a movie, while {movie2} is of another limit: defines the number of paths returned; sort: indicates whether we should return a sorted result or not, not sorted by default; simple: prints the metadata of the node of the path or not, printed by default; depth: defines the number of relationship involved, 3 by default. return all of shortest paths of two movies based on the query params
/service /algorithm/astar/movie/{movie1}/movie/{movie2} {movie1} is the TMSId of a movie, while {movie2} is of another return the cheapest path calculated by Astar between two movies
/service /algorithm/dijk/movie/{movie1}/movie/{movie2} {movie1} is the TMSId of a movie, while {movie2} is of another return the cheapest path calculated by dijkstra between two movies
/service /neighbor/single/actor/{actor}/movie/{movie} {actor} is the name of an actor, while {movie} is the TMSId of a movie return the single shortest path of an actor and a movie
/service /neighbor/all/actor/{actor}/movie/{movie} {actor} is the name of an actor, while {movie} is the TMSId of a movie return all of the shortest paths of an actor and a movie
/service /neighbor/single/actor/{actor1}/actor/{actor2} {actor1} is the name of an actor, while {actor2} is of another return a single shortest path between two actors
/service /neighbor/single/movie/{movie}/actor/{actor} {actor} is the name of an actor, while {movie} is the TMSId of a movie return the single shortest path of an actor and a movie
/service /neighbor/all/movie/{movie}/actor/{actor} {actor} is the name of an actor, while {movie} is the TMSId of a movie return all of shortest paths of an actor and a movie

For example, you can access the following endpoints:















How to Run

# build the package
$ mvn clean package

# Copy the jar file to the /plugins path of Neo4j
$ cp target/neoRestful-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar {neo4j-plugin-dir}

# append the configuration of extension 
$ vi conf/neo4j.conf

Run Neo4j with Docker

docker run --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687 --volume=/Users/simei.he/Documents/graphDB/gracenote:/data --volume=/Users/simei.he/Documents/graphDB/gracenote/conf:/conf --volume=/usr/local/Cellar/neo4j/3.0.0/libexec/plugins:/plugins neo4j:3.0


  1. Server Unmanaged Extensions
  2. cyper tips
  3. develop manual