/****************************************************************** Bones (Responsive Edition) A Lightweight Wordpress Development Theme Developed by Eddie Machado http://themble.com/bones eddie@themble.com Bones is designed to make the life of developers easier. It's built using HTML5 & has a strong semantic foundation. It was updated recently using some of the HTML5 Boilerplate's recommended markup and setup. This is the responsive version and uses a lot of the latest "best practices" for designing responsive sites. It uses the "Mobile First" approach so that the smallest screens always get the lightest load. /****************************************************************** THE BONES LICENSE ******************************************************************/ Interested in using Bones for your own commercial products? Want to release a commercial theme based off Bones? Be my guest. You can do whatever you like. Bones operates under the WTFPL License: http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/ /****************************************************************** USING THE CSS & LESS STYLESHEETS ******************************************************************/ LESS, you say, but isn't that complicated? Nope. It does take a few minutes to wrap your head around, but it will all be worth it. Need a quick intro? Here are a few quick reads: http://coding.smashingmagazine.com/2011/09/09/an-introduction-to-less-and-comparison-to-sass/ I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND, if you are going to be working with LESS, that you DO NOT parse it using the javascript file. It can be a HUGE performance hit and it kind of defeats the whole reasoning behind using LESS. That being said, here are a few MUST HAVE TOOLS for working with the new Responsive version of Bones: (You really only need one of them) CodeKit: (Highly Recommended) http://incident57.com/codekit/ LESS App: http://incident57.com/less/ LESS Coda Plugin: http://incident57.com/coda/ SimpLESS: (Windows Users) http://wearekiss.com/simpless These applications compile LESS into minified, valid CSS. This way you can keep your production LESS file easy to read and your CSS minified and speedy. Simply set the output to the library/css folder and you are all set. It's a thing of beauty. IF YOU PREFER THE OLD CSS, DON'T WORRY, IT'S IN THE CSS FOLDER TITLED "old-style.css". JUST RENAME IT AND REPLACE THIS FILE. (also, if you're going to use the old-style.css, you'll want to use the respond.js file inside the js/libs/ folder. Load it after Modernizr in the header) Remember, once you download Bones it's up to you how to use it so go nuts. Set things up and develop in a way that's easiest for you. If LESS is still a bit confusing for you, then you can also download the Classic version of Bones and work with that. If you're frustrated with this new direction and don't like change, take a few minutes and think about how much better a developer you can become by just TRYING out new technologies. It may be tough at first but it WILL make you a better developer. TRUST ME ON THIS. Give it a week, maybe two, and you will never go back. /****************************************************************** SUPPORT, ISSUES, & QUESTIONS ******************************************************************/ Since this is a Starter Theme for Developers, there's no REAL Support system. Bones is meant to be customized and changed to fit your development preferences. So download a copy and delete what you don't need and add whatever may be missing. Find a bug or know of a better way to accomplish a goal? Then please head over to these the project page on github and help me make Bones better! Submit Bugs & or Fixes: https://github.com/eddiemachado/bones/issues To view Release & Update Notes, read the log.txt file inside the library folder. Special Thanks to: Paul Irish & the HTML5 Boilerplate Team Nicolas Gallagher for a ton of scripting & best practice ideas Chris Coyier for CSS Optimization ideas Yoast for some WP functions & optimization ideas Andrew Rogers for code optimization David Dellanave for speed & code optimization and most of all, the great community behind Bones. :) ******************************************************************/
A Responsive Version of Bones based off the 320 and Up Extension and HTML5 Boilerplate.