If you're trying to get out there and contribute to some open source projects but feel a bit intimidated about getting your very first PR, this project might be for you
- AliLynneChicago, IL
- carterschieffer
- chrstphrclmn
- danyelcampbellVUMC
- eleanorthomasIngleside, IL
- Emma87Rockhampton, Queensland
- FutureGateKorea
- GrantC94Stillwater, OK
- HadrienAllemon
- james-muldoonWBI GmbH
- jeffhou
- jessb321Australia
- matty22TailoredMail
- msaeiShelton
- nocturiine
- p-shannonNew York City
- peterspeederChicago
- riccjohn@8thlight
- RoddyMunozVista, CA
- rsagustworldRSA Gustworld Developer Russia
- SamwisebuzeKroger
- saucesaft
- seekingcat100Devs
- ZaenariaMinnesota