Brief Documentation


A dot (.) is what begins your program, your dot is where its happening


A path (| and -) carries the dot, .----$"Printing..." Once your dot hits that $ following the path, the $ will prompt your dot to print whatever follows $# prints the value of your dot, and $a# prints the ASCII value of your dot $_# prints without adding a new line to the end

Special Paths

Some paths do more than just carry a dot, thats why they are special. Special paths include: >, this one takes a dot coming from the left, and dots coming veritcally and outputs them all to the right. < does the same but takes it from the right and outputs from the left. v and ^ do this aswell for vertical outputs. ( and ) bounce a dot back teh way it came. \ and / act as mirrors so .-/ exits going upwards

Warps (Invisible Path)

.-A A-$"This executes"-&-(The & kills a dot so .--&--$"I am unexecutable")


[+] takes a input vertically and a horozontal input and outputs to the other vertical direction the sum of the ttwo dot values {+} does the same but outputs to the other horozontal side. You can substitute any operator into this.


Receives a value horozontally, and vertically. If the vert. value is not 0 it continues the horz. dot to the other vert. direction. if it is 0; however, we continue horozontally.

Inspirations for the language


ASCII Art was a driving inspiration for this language, meant to look aestethic and artistic to programmers and non-programmers alike, unlike other languages where we just look at a bunch of operations and indentations with a bunch of words randomly thrown in.


Another wonky eso-lang, famously the first two-dimmmensional programming language. This language also runs along 'paths' but on a larger scale. A link for more reading on the language can be found at

Mechanical Computers

Mechanical computers are all very logical, as is this language. Data flow is very visual and connected as a mechanical computer is in its many gears.




Library Documentation

ESO-Langs Article