
Automated Wordpress deployment with Capistrano

Primary LanguageRuby


Automated Wordpress deployment with Capistrano


git clone https://raw.github.com/DamianCaruso/wordpresstano
cd wordpresstano
bundle install


You need a private Git repository containing this project.

Next, update config/deploy.rb and config/deploy/<environment.rb> accordingly.

Environment Setup

Create the following structure under the <deploy_to> directory in each environment.

+-- shared
|   +--config
|   |   +-- database.php
|   |   +-- secrets.php

You can use the sample files as templates.

Install Composer.

curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | sudo php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer`

Apache/Nginx and mod_php/php-fpm setup are out of scope and will not be dealt in this document.


bundle exec cap production deploy

Installing WordPress

Visit http://<yourwordpressdomain>/wp/wp-admin/ and follow the instructions in the installation wizard.

Upgrading WordPress

Composer is used as dependency manager. Wpackagist as repository for wordpress themes and plugins.

  1. Edit composer.json to upgrade or install plugins, themes or the wordpress core itself.
  2. Run composer update to update locally.
  3. Commit and push the updated json and lock file to your repo.
  4. Run bundle exec cap production deploy to deploy your changes.
  5. Go to your site, login and perform any pending database updates.