tODE - the Object-centric Development Environment. Smalltalk. development, deconstructed and a development environment for GemStone/S. Part of the GsDevKit tool set.
- BlueEyes1982Oakdale Louisiana
- brackendev
- braiserNew Jersey
- cristianlpSistemas Pehuajó
- dalehenrichGemTalk Systems
- dcorking@stormuk
- ezeaguerreThe Amalgama
- fabianedl777Bucaramanga
- frankshearar@microsoft
- grype
- haskellcamargo@Canva
- jnv@MewsSystems
- kidushMaceió
- kirstin
- kronoHasso Plattner Institute
- laheadleBay Area, Ca
- ldangeloOrange Leap
- Lily-bud福岡県福岡市 / Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
- martinegOslo, Norway
- matthias-springerNVIDIA
- monki1Toronto, Canada
- mumezSoftUmeYa, LLC.
- ngarbezza@10Pines / UNQ
- OftenUserNunya
- omasanoriJapan, or anywhere else
- philippebackHigh Octane SPRL
- seandenigrisClipper Adams Corp.
- sebastianconcept@flowingconcept
- seipyAlgeria
- SergeStinckwich@UNU-Macau
- tomrakeEast Stroudsburg, PA - (NYC Region)
- WilfredBay Area, USA
- zmughalWashington, D.C. - Baltimore, Maryland area, United States of America, Earth, Galactic Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha