End-to-end Sequence Labeling via Bi-directional LSTM-CNNs-CRF implement in pyotrch

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



PyTorch: 1.0.1
Python: 3.6
Cuda: 8.0 or 9.0(support cuda speed up, can chose)


modify the config file, detail see the Config directory
	The best nn model will be saved during training.
	---> sh run_train_p.sh
	Train finished. Decoding test data, and write decode result to file.
	---> sh run_test.sh
	For the decode result file, use conlleval script in Tools directory to calculate F-score.
	---> sh run_eval.sh  


	pretrained_embed = True(default: False)
	nnembed = True
	pretrained_embed_file = embed file path
	max_count = -1  ## Number of sentences loaded(-1 represents all)
	save_pkl = True(save pkl file for test, default True)
	save_best_model = True(save best performance result for test, default True)
	use_crf = True  ## CRF 
	use_char = True  ## CNN
	model_bilstm = True  ##BiLSTM
	embed_dim = 100, lstm_hiddens = 200
	dropout_emb = 0.5, dropout = 0.5
	max_char_len = 20, char_dim = 30, conv_filter_sizes = 3, conv_filter_nums = 30
	sgd = True
	learning_rate = 0.015 , weight_decay = 1.0e-8
	use_lr_decay = True, lr_rate_decay = 0.05, min_lrate = 0.000005, max_patience = 1
	batch_size = 10
	early_max_patience = 10(early stop max patience)

This is a major configuration file description, for more detailed reference to config.cfg file and config readme.


  • BiLSTM
    • CNN
    • CRF


  • The number of sentences:
Data Train Dev Test
conll2003 14987 3466 3684
  • The Data format is BIES label, data sample in Data directory.

  • Tag convert scripr in Here [tagSchemeConverter.py]

  • Conll2003 dataset can be downloaded from Conll2003

  • Pre-Trained Embedding can be downloaded from glove.6B.zip


  • Performance on the Conll2003, eval on the script conlleval in Tools

  • log in final_log

Model % P % R % F1
BLSTM 88.61 88.50 88.56
BLSTM-CRF 90.33 88.81 89.56
BLSTM-CNN 89.23 90.97 90.09
BLSTM-CNN-CRF 91.42 91.24 91.33



  • if you have any question, you can open a issue or email bamtercelboo@{gmail.com, 163.com}.

  • if you have any good suggestions, you can PR or email me.