
BSides Cape Town 2017 - Badge Code

Primary LanguageArduino


BSides Cape Town 2017 - Flux Capacitor Badge Code
By Dale Nunns (dale@stuff.za.net)

This code implements a simple BASIC interpreter, async webserver, led blinking and hostAP.
Serial console and 'telnet' console (on port 88) is implemented using ANSI/VT100 drawing functions for colour and cursor movement.

Required libraries:

Additional tools that may be helpful

Known Issues:

  • Error reporting in the interpreter is badly implemented due to not having Exceptions. (Code was originally written for standard C++ and then ported to Arduino)
  • Backspace does not work in all terminal emulators (works best in Putty)
  • LED's are disabled in WiFi config mode (softAP mode) as they can't run while SoftAP + WebServer are running
  • Listing long files in BASIC can cause a WDTReset Exception

Build Instructions:

  • Install the ESP8266 Board Support package (2.4.0-rc2 link above), follow the instructions above.
  • Download the ESPAsyncTCP & ESPAsyncWebServer into the ~/Arduino/libraries/ folder.
  • Install the FastLED library via the built in Arduino library manager.
  • Install the ESP8266FS & EspExceptionDecoder into the ~/Arduino/tools/ folder.

Deployment Instructions - with Arduino IDE:

  • Use a power bank or plug the power cable into a computer / usb power supply. (If you're using a battery bank make sure it stays on.)
  • Put the badge into programming mode.
    • If you're lucky enough to have a badge with two buttons, hold down the PROGRAM button and press RESET
    • If you have one button, hold down the PROGRAM button and unplug/plug power back in.
  • Deploy the Arduino code normally via the Arduino IDE.
  • Once complete, put the device back into programming mode.
  • Deploy the SPIFFS file system by going Tools -> ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload
  • Once complete, plug/unplug power or press reset and the badge should power up with the firmware.

Deployment of Official Binary images:

  • /bin/ contains the two binary images.
  • Example commands to deploy via esptool are in the upload-commands.txt file

Using the badge

Serial Access

  • You'll need to find and install the CH430 driver for your OS.
  • The badge needs to be powered via the soldered USB cable.
  • Plug a standard USB cable into the other socket.
  • Badge will show up a standard Serial Port.
  • Connect to it via a serial terminal emulator (Putty is what works best)
  • Press ESC to stop the current running program.
  • You can now write code in BASIC for the badge.

Wifi Mode

  • With the badge powered up.
  • Press the PROGRAM button on the back of the badge, the badge will display a blue pattern and then stop.
  • The badge will show up with a SSID of BADGE_* (If you press PROGRAM with the serial console open it'll show the SSID on that)
  • Connect to the badge SSID (its an open access point)
  • The badge is accessible at
  • Username & password is admin \ admin (its an IoT device after all)
  • You can now edit the .bas files on the device via a webpage.
  • You can telnet into the badge on port 88

SPIFFS File System

/BsidesBASIC/data/ contains files for the SPIFFS file system.
All the .bas files were written by @HypnZA @HypnZA
Rest of the files are required for the web-interface and come from the ESPWebAsync project.

BASIC Commands

REM - comment line
LET - assign value to a variable
IF THEN - conditional statement
GOTO - jump to line number
GOSUB / RETURN - go to line and then return
DO / LOOP WHILE/UNTIL - loop until/while
FOR..NEXT - for next loops
PRINT - print text
PRINTLN - print text as line
SLEEP - sleep for x milli-seconds
CLS - clear screen
MOVE - move the cursor to the specified x,y position on the screen.
SET COLOUR - set the text forecolour
SET BACK - set the text background colour
END - specify the end of a program
LED ON/OFF - turn an LED on/off
LED BRIGHTNESS - set the LED brightness (1-255)
LED FILL - set all the LEDs to rgb(r,g,b)
LED SET - set a specific LED to rgb(r,g,b) value
LED SHOW - update leds to previously set values

Interpreter Commands

MEM - show free memory
RUN - run currently in memory program
STOP - stop currently running program
NEW - clear current program
CLEAR - reset interpreter state (reset variables)
LIST - list current in memory program
LOAD - load program from flash
SAVE - save program to flash
DIR - list files in flash
DEL - delete specified file from flash
VIEW - display contents of file in flash