
A version of Adafruit's Pi_Eyes project with support for gc9a01a based 240x240 round displays.

In particular these CMU ROUND 1.28IN RGBLCD DISPLAY - Communica [Part No: CMU ROUND 1.28IN RGBLCD DISPLAY]

Currently this only includes the fbx2 changes and code as the original Python code for generating the eyes no longer works. (Pi3D issues)

This code will take the framebuffer (/dev/fb0), split it and send each side out to the two displays.

You can enable gc9a01a mode by running fbx2 -g

Below is a working /boot/config.txt for my Pi3B, this is based on the changes made by the original install file however I needed to comment out the following to get access to the framebuffer.

# Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver

Original /boot/config.txt

# For more options and information see
# http://rpf.io/configtxt
# Some settings may impact device functionality. See link above for details

# uncomment if you get no picture on HDMI for a default "safe" mode

# uncomment the following to adjust overscan. Use positive numbers if console
# goes off screen, and negative if there is too much border

# uncomment to force a console size. By default it will be display's size minus
# overscan.

# uncomment if hdmi display is not detected and composite is being output

# uncomment to force a specific HDMI mode (this will force VGA)

# uncomment to force a HDMI mode rather than DVI. This can make audio work in
# DMT (computer monitor) modes

# uncomment to increase signal to HDMI, if you have interference, blanking, or
# no display

# uncomment for composite PAL

#uncomment to overclock the arm. 700 MHz is the default.

# Uncomment some or all of these to enable the optional hardware interfaces

# Uncomment this to enable infrared communication.

# Additional overlays and parameters are documented /boot/overlays/README

# Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835)

# Automatically load overlays for detected cameras

# Automatically load overlays for detected DSI displays

# Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver

# Disable compensation for displays with overscan

# Enable host mode on the 2711 built-in XHCI USB controller.
# This line should be removed if the legacy DWC2 controller is required
# (e.g. for USB device mode) or if USB support is not required.


# Run as fast as firmware / board allows

hdmi_cvt=1280 720 60 1 0 0 0