Helidon Demo with MySQL Document Store

A demo for using Helidon to access a MySQL Document Store

Helidon variation of https://github.com/boyzoid/micronaut-document-store-demo


This setup assumes you already have access to a MySQL database. *

  • Open MySQL Shell and connect to your MySQL instance using the following command: \c {user}:{password}@{host}:33060

    • Where {user} is the username, {password} is the password, and {host} is the server domain name or IP address of your MySQL instance.
  • In MySQL Shell, run the command session.createSchema('mn_demo') to create the new schema.

  • In MySQL Shell, run the following command: util.importJson( '/absolute/path/to/project/data/scores.json', {schema: 'mn_demo', collection: 'pokemon'})

    • If the process runs successfully, you will see output similar to this: .. 6.. 6 Processed 218 bytes in 6 documents in 0.0076 sec (6.00 documents/s)



mvn clean package


java -jar target/doc.jar


curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/pokemons

or with limit:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/pokemons/3

Try to add a Pokemon:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name" : "Poki", "type" : "3"}' http://localhost:8080/pokemons

See if the new Pokemon is present:

or with limit:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/pokemons/10

Try to update:

 curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/pokemons/{id}/Pok

Delete a pokemon:

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/pokemons/{id}                

Test with get all Pokemons.