
Primary LanguageObjective-C


Abby Starr, Devina Kumar, Jenny Hyun Ji Seong, John Kotz, Seb Lim, Henry Wilson


Treasure Hunt is a scavenger hunt game app which allows users to complete activities and complete a hunt through their phones. The Treasure Hunt app includes a variety of clues (e.g. Sudoku, Crosswords, etc.); users are presented with subsequent clues after completion of the original clue. The treasure hunts can be used for a variety of purposes, such as teaching people about the history of a location, letting individuals explore an area, etc. (e.g. Dartmouth administration creating a scavenger hunt for new students to get more accustomed to the campus).


Spring 16

In the fall we planned out the structure of the app and decided on the design of the app. Then we built the first version of the app. This included creating a login screen, a view to show the current hunts and the ability to complete a hunt by finishing all the clues.


  • Made a plan for what features would be in the app and how
  • Designed the app
  • Created first prototype
  • Tested in public setting
  • Released on TestFlight

Summer 16

Now that we have the first prototype, we need to take a step back and take a better look at the structure of the database for scalability and at the design of the app. Once we fix those up, we can move on to the next features:

  1. More clue types (Sudoku and Crossword)
  2. Feed of global activity (since we don’t have friends implemented just yet)
  3. The beginning of the clue creation feature
  4. User functions (forgot password, set name, saving profile…)


  • End of week of July 8th:
    • First meeting ✅
    • Timeline ✅
    • Make Trello Board ✅
    • Get everyone access to everything ✅
  • Monday July 11th:
    • Meet with O team - John
    • Finish clean database structure ✅ - Abby
    • Start changing database ✅ - Dev
    • Compile all design instructions into on place ✅ - Design
  • End of week of July 15th:
    • Plan interface for sign up, feed, and create views ✅ - Design
    • Finish database structure remake ✅ - Dev
    • Update app to use new fonts, colors (?), and full-res icons ✅ - Dev
      • 3 tabs instead of 5 ✅ - Dev
    • Move all backend code to separate files ✅ - Dev
    • Make database changes in code ✅ - Dev
    • Choose new colors? ✅ - Design
  • Monday July 18th:
    • Have all the art assets in one place ✅ - Design
    • Code is clean and ready for expansion ✅ - Dev
    • Interface for main view and login view done ✅ - Dev
  • End of week July 22nd: (John is in SC this week)
    • Hunt overview (without feed) and hunt completion interface finished - Design
    • Tags done
  • Monday July 25th:
    • Search method design - Design
    • Clue types!
      • Data structures planned ✅ - Dev
      • Icons for interface finalized - Design
  • End of week July 29th:
    • Search functionality done - Dev
    • (some extra time for expansion)
    • Sudoku/Crossword prototype - Dev & Design
    • Design for feed and create tab done
  • Monday August 1st:
    • Other prototype (I think that once we have one making the other would be just as easy) - Dev & Design
  • End of week August 5th:
    • Finalize prototypes - Dev
    • Begin feed and/or create tab - Dev
    • Start porting over to Android - Dev
  • Monday August 8th:
    • Begin feed and/or create view (room to expand if needed) - Dev
  • End of week August 12th:
    • Finish one (feed for create view) - Dev
    • Porting over to Android - Dev
  • End of week of August 19:
    • Finish the other - Dev
    • Porting over to Android - Dev
  • After:
    • If we have more time we can expand into the end of the term if needed.
    • TODO: Check dates of end of term and beginning of orientation
    • Routinely upload builds to TestFlight
    • Release on App store at least 3 days in advance to Orientation.

TODO: Update security settings

Team Members:

Client: Amanda Lobel

Designers: Jenny Hyun Ji Seong

Developers: Abby Starr, John Kotz, Seb Lim, Devina Kumar, Henry Wilson

Project Manager: Abby Starr