
A Sample app that displays information about The English Premier League.

Primary LanguageSwift

Koora Live iOS App

Welcome to the Koora Live iOS application! Utilizing a free API, we bring you real-time updates on the English Premier League, allowing you to stay informed about team matchups at your fingertips.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

To set up and run the KooraLive app, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/dalia61/KooraLive.git
    cd KooraLive
  2. Install CocoaPods dependencies:

 pod install
  1. Open the Xcode workspace and build the app.

Key Features

The app has two lists:

  1. List of Matches:

    • Explore a curated list of matches.
    • Each cell represents the team’s name, flag, the time of the game, and the game result if played.
    • The list is sectioned by day, and the first section is today's match or the next if the current day has no fixtures.
    • Allows you to add or delete matches to your favorites.
  2. List of Favorite Matches:

    • Displays favorite matches that are marked.

Used In The APP

  • UIKit
  • MVP Architecture Pattern
  • Coordinator Pattern For Handling Navigation
  • UseCase Layer
  • Network Layer (Alamofire)
  • Realm For Caching Favorite Matches using [Generic Realm Manager]
  • Delegation Pattern For Communication between Module entities
  • Kingfisher For Images Downloading and Caching
  • XIB Files
  • Figma For Designing The UI


  • Code Refactoring
  • Unit Tests


Here are some screenshots from the app:

  • Launch Screen

  • Schedule Matches List

  • Favorite Matches List

Important to know

  • The app retrieves matches from the JSON endpoint https://api.football-data.org/v4/competitions/2021/matches instead of the V2 endpoint. The V4 endpoint is preferred due to the additional information it provides, such as flags for teams.

  • Separation of Concerns: MVP divides the application into distinct layers, promoting a clear separation of responsibilities for easier maintenance and debugging.

  • Enhanced Code Structure: By incorporating Coordinator, Network, Persistence, and UseCase layers, the architecture achieves a well-organized and cohesive codebase, improving readability and maintainability.

App Structure

The app follows a modular structure, divided into different components:

  • Koora Live

    • Koora Live
      • Foundation
        • App
        • Configuration
        • Extensions
          • UI
        • Externals
          • Coordinator
          • Data Persistence
            • Realm
          • DataNetwork
        • Resources
    • Modules
      • Match
        • Coordinator
        • Network
        • UseCase
        • Model
        • View
        • Presenter


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Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further clarification about the project.