
info and data about growth rates at CHC during the SALTENA campaign 2017.12-2018.06

Primary LanguageR


info and data about growth rates at CHC during the SALTENA campaign 2017.12-2018.06

  • folders

    • code
    • results
    • data
      • data in this folder should not be too large ~<100mb
      • for larger datasets use server at uhel
  • result figures are here: Rproject/results/figures/

  • event classification csv is here: Rproject/data/processed/CHC_eventDays_Diego_Max.csv

  • File containing calculated growth rates (GR) using the splined approach is here: Rproject/results/files/GR_CHC_splined_approach_all_events.csv

    Columns to be interpreted as follows:

    • dp_sizegroup: Size interval for the growing mode [nm]
    • ion: negative or positive ions
    • GR_median and GR_mean: Growth rates [nm/h] using the respective statistic
    • GR_iqr and GR_sd: interquartile range and standard derivation of growth rates [nm/h]
    • eventID: The event ID I (Max) assigned to the specific growing event.
    • score_over_10: The score (1-10) I (Max) gave the growing event on inspection. Empirical!
    • airmass_change_flag: A flag I (Max) created basing myself on wind and cluster data. If 0, no airmass change during the event. If 1, airmass change during the event. If 2, unsure. Empirical!

    I suggest using "score_over_10" > 5 and airmass_change == 0 as filters to get "clean events". Alternatively, growing events with high dispersion (see IQR and SD) can be excluded

  • Batchplots of NAIS surface plots, GR obtained by splined approach, ACSM data, SA-APITOF data, wind-direction and radiance can be found here: Rproject/results/figures/NAIS_batch_selected/ and here: Rproject/results/figures/NAIS_batch_all/

    • in NAIS_batch_selected, GR lines are only plotted for events with score_over_10 > 5 and airmass_change_flag == 0.
    • in NAIS_batch_all, GR lines are plotted for all uninterrupted events (only first of the day)
    • Calculated GR spline functions - if available - plotted on top of NAIS surface plots as lines. Numbers indicate GR in nm/h evaluated at position of dots.
    • both ACSM and SA-API data is normalized by the global (= whole campaign) median.
    • radiation data normalized by the daily maximum.
    • no GR data available for June, as I (Max) did not have the growing mode data for that month.
  • presentation for the Bolivia meeting 2019.06 is here