
Disabling the Internal Bluetooth

macguru341 opened this issue · 39 comments

Thanks for all the support for this machine.
Just wondering, if the internal Bluetooth isn’t working why don’t you update the clover folder with some patch that will disable it and will give us the option to use external dongle ?
I’m sure you can do it fast as I see you are the master of this hack. I tried do it by myself and share it but I was working on it for the last 2 weeks without success .

Hope you can help us

Hi, I can help you with disabling internal Bluetooth. The reason why our clover folder leaves it open is that it can be activated in someway. For example, you can first start Windows and then restart in MacOS to activate bluetooth. In addition, we think that we should leave the choice to public and let them decide to disable the bluetooth or not, instead of us.

Since you have worked on it for last 2 weeks so I believe you have read this thread https://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/guide-creating-a-custom-ssdt-for-usbinjectall-kext.211311/.

  • Delete EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/SSDT-USB.aml and replace it with the SSDT-USB.aml below.
  • Restart, and wait for your good news!

If you want to use an external BT dongle, please read Rehabman's repository: https://github.com/RehabMan/OS-X-BrcmPatchRAM


UPDATE: The archive is updated on 13th August, 2018.

EDIT: The newest EFI release uses a new USB Injection method, please replace the following archive with the one in /EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other/ to disable BT.

God....thanks a lot for your help , I will try it later in the night

thanks - that works great

Exactly what I was looking for, thanks @stevezhengshiqi! This should be included in the README IMO 😊

@orditeck Thank you for your advice. I will add it.

I've noticed that it breaks 1st USB 3 port from the top. I kept .aml file but reverted your USBInjectAll.kext back to what I had before. Now internal BT still off, and USB port started working.

@Neolo USBInjectAll should be the original one from Rehabman's github(daliansky's EFI has modified USBInjectAll.kext; and I discover that he deleted two USB 3.0 ports). Using a hotpatch(SSDT-USB.aml) to modify the port information is highly recommended.

If you use my EFI in my github and follow the instrictions above, everything should work fine because I carefully follow the guide https://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/guide-creating-a-custom-ssdt-for-usbinjectall-kext.211311/.

At first I used your SSDT-USB.aml and the kext from Archive.zip, you've attached earlier, that broke the USB port. Then I used an original one.

@Neolo Thank you for reply. I am in a summer school now, and I don't bring a USB 3.0 drive. I will have chance to test a month later.

@stevezhengshiqi Hi!! How can we now disable bluetooth with actual EFI? USBPorts.kext doesnt exist to replace it, now we have USBPower.kext.
Should we delete USBPower.kext and install USBPorts.kext in clover/kexts/other ?

@alexmenn Yes. If you soldered your BT, you will need another USBPorts.kext in stevezhengshiqi#7 .

Just curious, Can I use BCM94360CS2 Macbook Air 13, + adapter for m2 ? And complicate it more, use it over USB adapter to m2? or I just have to use m.2 slot or even this will not work ?
Card: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Original-A1465-A1466-Wifi-Airport-Bluetooth-Card-For-Macbook-Air-11-13-Laptop-2013-Years/32637520988.html
Related to this thread https://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/100-working-12-6-pin-apple-wifi-bt-card-to-m-2-ngff-adapter-handoff-unlock-with-watch-uefi.215895/page-2

@isuke01 No matter what card and adaptor , you will need solder BT to a usb pin for a working bt. Btw the compatibility shouldn't be a problem with that card, but I recommend BCM943602CS..

with the latest kext update, how do I disable Bluetooth (for use dongle) without losing the two USBc ports?

@Giannidmg First, delete SSDT-USB in /ACPI/patched, and USBPower or USBPorts in /kexts/Other.
Then copy the USBPorts at the 2nd floor of this page into /kexts/Other, and restart.

  • Be careful that the model in config.plist should be MacBookPro14,1.

ok now it works thanks

@stevezhengshiqi i tried all what you wrote, but mine don't work. So I think I didn't understand something..
I've a Bluetooth USB dongle, installed kext from rehab, changed the ssd-usb from EFI with yours but my system finds the internal Bluetooth and not the dongle..

@Chazy12 read readme about how to disable internal bt

@Menchen where?

@Menchen already read that. But if I disable internal Bluetooth, my USB dongle Bluetooth not working too..

Hi, I can help you with disabling internal Bluetooth. The reason why our clover folder leaves it open is that it can be activated in someway. For example, you can first start Windows and then restart in MacOS to activate bluetooth. In addition, we think that we should leave the choice to public and let them decide to disable the bluetooth or not, instead of us.

Since you have worked on it for last 2 weeks so I believe you have read this thread https://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/guide-creating-a-custom-ssdt-for-usbinjectall-kext.211311/.

  • Delete EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/SSDT-USB.aml and replace it with the SSDT-USB.aml below.
  • Restart, and wait for your good news!

If you want to use an external BT dongle, please read Rehabman's repository: https://github.com/RehabMan/OS-X-BrcmPatchRAM


UPDATE: The archive is updated on 13th August, 2018.

EDIT: The newest EFI release uses a new USB Injection method, please replace the following archive with the one in /EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other/ to disable BT.

@Menchen this one.

And my ssdt-usb in EFI is ssdt-usbx. So I renamed it into that folder, but nothing.

So after replacing usbport kext external bt still dont work? Which kext did you use from rehab? Also you only need to replace usbport and not ssdt-usb.aml ..

@Chazy12 Hi, SSDT-USBX is totally different from SSDT-USB. Just add USBPorts.kext given in the 2nd floor and restart.

@Chazy12 Hi, SSDT-USBX is totally different from SSDT-USB. Just add USBPorts.kext given in the 2nd floor and restart.

@stevezhengshiqi I replaced the ssdt-usbx with the original one, updated only the kext then rebooted. On the restart I only see the Bluetooth is not active, so my USB dongle don't work..

@Menchen I used brcmfirmwarerepo and brcmpatchram2 couse I see my device is in the list of the patchram..

Maybe it's your usb dongle fault.... because usb dongle shouldn't use reh's kext as you said(bmcram something like that is for internal non native wifi card bt to work with hack)

@Menchen the strange thing is that yesterday was working after replacing the ssdt-usbx and the kext. This morning was not working anymore. I used this dongle on my hackintosh desktop and works there.. I think is something related to the disabling of internal Bluetooth..

@stevezhengshiqi @Menchen so, an update: if I put the dongle in USBC adaptator, the dongle works. If I put it in the internet USB, the dongle don't work.. uhm..

By internal you mean left side usb a port?

@Menchen yes. The both of them

Update again: after some minutes, on the USBC adaptor, don't work anymore.. grrr

@stevezhengshiqi do you've a solution?

@stevezhengshiqi another problem i've is the HDMI out.. Not working the output and i have to restart my laptop to let the display work again..

@Chazy12 Never heard about the problem like you before. You can try to replug the adapter or use another adapter.

For the HDMI, try to remove -cdfon and restart. Don't forget to close the lid after connecting the external monitor for a few seconds.

Where I've to remove the -cdfon?!
Thanks again.


Hi- there is now an Intel bluetooth kext that will upload the firmware on boot. This could work for you: https://github.com/zxystd/IntelBluetoothFirmware