
App that parses your Spotify data from JSON and sends them to InfluxDb

Primary LanguageC#


Simple .NET tool that takes data exported from Spotify and uploads them to InfluxDB, which then allows complex querying and graph plotting.


This app expects a JSON config file in the same directory as the executable. This file must be called config.json and it must contain these values:

  "token": "<API TOKEN>",
  "url": "<INFLUXDB URL>",
  "organization": "<INFLUXDB ORGANIZATION>",
  "bucket": "<INFLUXDB BUCKET>"

Next up, you'll have to setup an InfluxDB instance. Since you can provide an URL, it's up to you if you're gonna host it yourself or use a cloud service.

After setting up your InfluxDB instance and running it, you can start importing your data. If you don't know how to download spotify history, you can use this article. Simply build the app with dotnet build and then go to the output directory. You have 2 options now:

  • Run the app with 2 arguments
    • First argument being the name of a user you're about to import
    • Second argument being a path to directory with spotify data (this directory should contain files named Streaming_History_Audio_*.json)
    • Example: ./SpotifyStats dalibor /home/dalibor/spotify_data/
  • Run the app without any arguments
    • You will then be asked for these 2 things

Sample setup

I host InfluxDB by myself inside a docker container and I use a docker-compose file for that since I find it more comfortable to maintain. It looks like this in my case:

version: "3.8"

    image: influxdb
      - DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_ORG=spotifyStats
      - influx_data:/var/lib/influxdb2:rw
      - "8086:8086"


This setup does everything you need to start using InfluxDB with this tool. config.json would in this case look like this:

  "token": "<token>",
  "url": "http://localhost:8086",
  "organization": "spotifyStats",
  "bucket": "stats"

I always run this tool from the same host as the InfluxDB instance, so I can use localhost. Note that password and token can be any string value.

Sample Graphs

image image